I know I've been quiet for a bit--a lot of work lately teaching various scuba classes, a short dive vacation up at Balmorhea, and a lot of great things going on at church and with Living Water Sound. But there are so many ridiculous things going on with our government that I absolutely have to post.
Obama, Pelosi and Reid, I'm nearly convinced, are now SO DESPERATE to get their socialized health care system off the block that they are literally making things up as they go! Anyone who actually cares about this nation, about a government takeover (either incrementally or lock-stock-and-barrel) should be watching closely to what these deceivers are doing. Pelosi has gone so far as to blatantly offer up a different name for their so-called "public option" just to try to get you to go along with it. They are quite literally going back and forth from committee (behind closed doors, and not sharing the documents) with little bits and pieces just to try to sway opponents in Congress to the dark side. This is amazingly stupid!
Here's what you need to know, folks. One way or another the socialists want the government to have the upper hand in health care with the ultimate goal of enslaving the entire nation to it. I'm sorry if you can't see this, but it is a fact. They have done nasty things like hide huge chunks of the necessary costs by moving them over to other programs, all in an effort to bring down the bottom line---as far as you know. Let me explain what this is like: You negotiate to buy a car for 20% less, only to find out they simply moved that 20% onto some extra fees and registration they neglected to tell you about or only mentioned in passing. They are lying to you, people. That's all they know how to do in order to get their plantation started
The latest version of their public "option" is one that allows states (not you) to opt out. That sounds good on the surface, right? Well, not to me since I don't believe the government should have it's hands in this to begin with. But here's the rub...let's say my great state of Texas decides to opt out, meaning we all just play amongst ourselves with the various insurance plans that exist for us. Do you, for one second, believe we still won't be paying taxes to cover the cost of the "public option"? I have news for you, we absolutely will have the taxes confiscated from us. Kind of like school taxes---my wife and I never had kids and yet we see our school taxes go up every year with very little to show for it (I'll resist the urge to get into why we should go to a voucher system). Now, do you think states will likely opt out? Probably not, and the reason for that is they wouldn't want to miss out on their piece of that tax pie.
One of the biggest scams in these health care plans is the idea that it's really "optional". If the government is able to set artificial limits on fees and services, knocking down what doctors get paid, and subsidize large elements, do you really think any of the insurance plans could compete? It's laughable that Pelosi and Reid call it "fair competition". It is unethical at the least that private business should have to compete with the government when the government is able to stack the deck in its favor! It is an outright lie to call it competition.
The latest numbers show that the alleged "deficit neutral" status given to the latest plan is actually a falsehood. The plan is to start taxing you immediately (who will get taxed or "surcharged" and by how much is affecting more people by the day) and building up a reserve so that once the actual benefits are enacted they will have a buffer! How much of a deceit is that? It's like putting away $10,000 toward a $50,000 car and bragging how you only had to make $40,000 in car payments.
I have been listening to shows by Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity and they've both been doing "man on the street" type events. Almost without variation these people who were interviewed voted for Obama and had no real idea what the health care issues were. One young lady, when asked, simply said, "Health care sucks right now". Could she articulate why? Nope. "It just sucks, that's all". When asked if she wanted universal health care she said, "Yes, I think everybody should have free medical care". Free? Seriously? She thinks it can be free? Then she was asked if she should pay for someone else's care, she said no, they should get their own. Hypocrite? Should someone pay for her to have health care? Her reply, "Sure, yes". By the time the conversation ended she had admitted what I believe is the typical mindset amongst liberals: Everyone should have coverage, including her, but she shouldn't have to pay for anyone else's, even though they were paying for hers.
Scary. Typical.
Please contact your Congressional representatives and tell them to cease and desist with this health care plan.
Does it need some repair? Yes. Does it need the government controlling most or all aspects? Absolutely not.
Monday, October 26, 2009
When Will We Get Disgusted?
Comments by IntenseDebate
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Posted by Going_Galt at 7:28 PM
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