Thursday, July 29, 2010

services to them.

It is time to pass legislation to levy HUGE fines and jail time to ANYONE who hires illegal immigrants and on any agency that provides any non-emergency

Friday, July 23, 2010

ng wrong here.

Btw, Rep. Charles Rangel has been formally charged with ethics violations. Amazing how slow Dems were to act. Of course, the Dems don't really see anythi

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mr. President, you can only insult and demonize business so much before they simply take their toys & in home. Result? No jobs, no growth.

Great news! House Republicans to oust RINO Spencer Bachus as senior Republican on financial services committee.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Obama signs more socialism into law with the financial takeover legislation! Fire any lawmaker who voted for this!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How do you deal with a Social Security system broken and nearly bankrupt? Apparently raise retirement age to 70. See any issues with this?

s a fool.

Harry Reid is a liar. The socialist financial "reform" can't stop the "greed in Wall Street" and it doesn't address the cause of the problem at all! He i

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wow, a war of words brewing between NAACP and one of the larger Tea Party groups.

I KNEW that Olympia Snowe would the fake Republican to vote in favor of this socialist financial reform bill. If there was a litmus test for party affiliation she would fail.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Apparently Scott Brown has a price: he is voting for the socialist financial "reform" bill.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Try this is the kind of garbage in the financial reform bill: race & gender quotas.

The kind of garbag

Yes! Admin loses drilling moratorium appeal! Drill, baby, drill!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Here is one of the most foolish things people say, and what got this horrible admin elected: "We can't just do nothing, we have to do SOMEthing"

This is who Obama set in recess appt to run Medicare/Medicaid: .

Wow, if you can stomach it, read some of the hate mail on Michelle Malkin's site. It's exactly what I expect from the more ignorant on the left.

Tells you something about Obama Admin: Just. Dept. Lawyer who defended American Taliban is prosecuting case against AZ law.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Btw, Mr. Steele, you are cordially invited to step down as RNC chair.

What in blazes does NASA have to do with helping Muslims? Is there any doubt how far off the rails the POTUS is?

Friday, July 2, 2010

Ciro, What Have You Done To Me Lately?

Choices have consequences. And it's time Ciro Rodriguez reaped the consequences of his choices. Because he has consistently ignored the calls of his constituents, because he has voted, almost without fail, lockstep with the President's agenda, here's what he has done for you since he's been in office. You can expect the following in approximately six months:
A huge INCREASE in your tax rate - Those in the 10% bracket will go up to 15%, 25% goes to 28%, 28% to 31%, 33% to 36% and 35% bracket goes to 39.6%;
The MARRIAGE PENALTY returns (you will pay a much higher tax as a married couple working than two single people working);
The CHILD TAX CREDIT gets cut from $1000 down to $500 per child;
The STANDARD DEDUCTION for married couple will no longer be double that of singles;
Dependent care and adoption credits will be cut;
The DEATH TAX returns;
The CAPITAL GAINS tax goes up from 15% to 20%;
The DIVIDENDS tax goes up from 15% to 39.6% and again to 43.4% a year later;
Here's what the socialist health care Ciro shoved down your throat will do:
You won't be able to use a Health Savings Account (HSA)or Health Reimbursement pre-tax dollars to purchase non-prescription medicine;
A cap on Flexible Spending Account (FSA), which particularly hurts those who use those accounts for Special Needs Kids;
HSA withdrawal tax doubles from 10% to 20%;
The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) will now grab 4 million more households in LOWER tax brackets;
Small businesses will no longer be able to expense equipment purchases up to $250,000. Anything above $25,000 will have to be depreciated (which demolishes ability of small businesses to get off the ground in the initial years);
No more deduction for tuition and fees, and education tax credits will be limited;
Teachers will not be able to deduct classroom expenses;
Retired people will no longer be able to give up to $100,000 from their IRA toward charity and any charitable contribution will now count as part of the "minimum required distribution";
Scores of the other taxes will be increased or be added that also affect small businesses.
THIS is what Ciro Rodriguez has done to you. He doesn't really care about your livelihood, your future, your family, your education. We cannot stand by and allow the continued bloating of government, socialist agenda, and the further destruction of the American Dream.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Mr President (or anyone who agrees with him), exactly WHAT is the problem with our immigration program?