I am one hundred percent behind Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Let me state for the record that I also fully support the right of the teachers, etc. to protest and have their (whiny) voice heard. The fact is that Wisconsin is broke....just like most of the other states. What the state is trying to do is not eliminate collective bargain, which is the big lie that fools like the president of the AFL-CIO and the President are telling. The state is simply limited the bargaining to that of pay, not benefits, etc. Personally, I'm against unions in American. You simply cannot make the case in this country that unions are necessary. We have more than enough laws that favor labor over management. All unions do now is unnecessarily sap the life out of any business--or public sector--they exist in. If you look at most unions, the pay is often out of proportion and benefits packages are insanely out of touch with the private sector. And I say this as a federal employee, so I know what I'm talking about.
The public education system in this country is horrible. In some places teachers are way overpaid for the quality of work they do and way underpaid in others. It doesn't help that liberalism has bred a generation of parents who don't parent and wouldn't know discipline if it came at them with a paddle. But when I see that there is a choice between states firing teachers and other public employees by the droves or ask for modest reductions, I should think that teachers, above all people, would be smart enough to take the latter over the former. The downright outrage that teachers in Wisconsin are expressing gets under my craw. I can't help but say, "How DARE you?" I can say, without any reservation, that if federal cost-cutting measures resulted in a need to cut the pay of federal employees I'd be first in line to agree with having my pay cut. I could do, and would do, what's necessary to tighten my family's belt in turn.
When you see the interviews with a lot of those out there protesting they routinely are saying that they are willing to take reductions or shoulder a little higher portion of the health care benefits costs. What they get all rabid over is the limitation of collective bargaining power. This disgusts me. It disgusts me a lot. Even as a teenager I despised unions. I made it a point to never, ever submit job applications to any business that had a union (and back in those days if a union existed you had to join it if you went to work there). Even more so, I despise the TEA and most of the associated teachers' unions. And the fact that the AFL-CIO is right up front here in this Wisconsin fight shows you just how much in cahoots all the unions are. Then, of course, you have our socialist president chiming in and calling this an "assault on unions". Liar. You want to see "union busting"? Then put ME in charge of the fight. I'll SHOW you a blatant effort at union busting. Socialist.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Of Unions and Lies
Comments by IntenseDebate
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Posted by Going_Galt at 4:03 PM
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