I have to admit that I didn't think the Obama administration would sink this low this early. Now ads are coming out calling anyone who disagrees with their fascist efforts, particularly at any town hall meeting, an "angry mob". Pelosi has called us "astroturf".
Okay, first off, I don't encourage or condone all-out rude over-shouting at these events. That just puts you at the level of the liberals. However, I'm very glad to see Americans are starting to wake up and get passionately vocal about the lies that the Democrats are telling us. And, rather than admit the truth, what strategy do Obama and his cronies resort to? More lies in the form of internet and TV ads painting dissenters as a hired, angry mob.
I have news for you--I'm not hired by anyone, and I can promise you I'd be front and center at any town hall meeting these liars would hold, and I will be quite vocal. Bring it!
Here's what you have to be angry about:
- More jobs have been LOST every single month since Obama took office and especially since his spendulus package was enacted.
- Obama's promise to read all the bills and post them publicly prior to enacting has proven false.
- The "most ethical Congress in history" has turned out to be the most corrupt with some of the most unethical/immoral members and activities.
- Obama has put into place unbelievable numbers of "czars" when the Constitution makes NO provision for such a thing. I don't discount previous administrations have appointed one or two czars (which I also completely disagree with), but Obama has taken this to frightening levels.
- Obama and Sec. of State Clinton have fallen over themselves to apologize to any country that will listen for America being, essentially, a bad neighbor.
- The government is slowly, methodically taking over industry after industry either directly (pronounced "Government Motors") or indirectly (pronounced "executive pay caps").
- Obama and the Democrats ultimately are trying to get to socialized health care via a single-payer system (just look up on YouTube the proof).
- Obama has appointed over a dozen lobbyists to top positions after stating clearly that lobbyists "won't find a job in my White House".
- He dishonestly claimed that the middle class will not see taxes go up, yet the fact is that such efforts as cap and trade, tax increases on cigarettes and other things--which the middle class do engage in -- will clearly result in tax-driven increases in cost of living for every American.
- The embrassment known as "cash for clunkers" ran out of money and they can't even explain the program...yet he wants you to hand over health care to him.
- The man who claimed to be a uniter, not a divider, has, in cahoots with the Democrats in Congress, have run roughshod over the Republicans (who are NOT without blame, by the way).
- Obama continues to lie when he says that "if you like your health insurance, you can keep it", when the FACT is that the Democrats will structure this doomed-to-fail program so that the added costs to businesses and individuals who choose to stick with their own insurance or choose not to have insurance will be so high that there will be no real choice, leaving them only the socialist program.
- Now the government wants you to turn in your neighbors if you receive "fishy" emails expressing dissention with their socialistic health care plan.
- Obama has expanded forcing YOU to pay for the senseless murder of pre-born humans overseas and is campaigning for a health care plan that will also force you to pay for more abortions.
- Obama has crooks as advisors, e.g., Jeff Imelt, of GE (a company that supports Iran), as economic advisor has been found to be guilty of cooking the books. They are being fined, but of course they also received billions of dollars in bailout money.
I could go on, but I do have to sleep some time. The point is, do you understand what fascism is? Do you recall any scifi book or movie where these sorts of things were happening, and all resulted in an oppressed public (that usually revolted in one form or another)?
Please, please, PLEASE call your Senators and Representatives NOW while you still have time. Tell them they can kiss their political careers goodbye if they don't shoot down socialized health care, cap & tax and the rest of these socialist and fascist programs. GET OFF YOUR BEHINDS!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Dissenter or Angry Mob?
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
Posted by Going_Galt at 9:20 PM