Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Now Is Not The Time....

My friends, now is not the time to let up. Yes, there were a few nice turnarounds in the elections that just happened. Yes, it provides a little encouragement that maybe so-called independents are experiencing buyers' remorse about last year's election and realize their mistake.

But here's what else it has done: It has scared the pants off of Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the socialists. You cannot use sensible arguments with people like them, nor with their supporters. They are driven exclusively by ideology and emotion. When backed into a corner, faced with the obvious, they will do exactly the opposite that a wise person would do. They are preparing to use any legislative, parliamentary trick they can to take their 2000 page socio-fascist behemoth of a health care bill and get it up to the President for signature. Being faced with the prospect that they may actually be out of power in 2010, they will wreck their careers just to get as much of their agenda passed as possible---socialized medicine, cap and tax, etc--mark my words.

Wise people have applied quite a bit of pressure, publicly, to slow down this train wreck. DO NOT LET UP! To that end, it is important that everyone call their Representatives and Senators on Thursday and Friday of this week and tell them NOT to support this legislation. There is another huge tea party scheduled in D.C. this week for this purpose. Go there if you can. If you can't, don't let this week pass without your Congressmen hearing from you!