Yes, I said it. Barrack Obama is a failure in nearly every sense of the word when it comes to the Presidency. Just look at the numbers, which have been on a pretty steady decline after the initial, disgustingly mushy honeymoon. 42% Strongly Disapprove of the President's performance and only 25% Strongly Approve. Lest you think that this nation has suddenly become more conservative, let me point out that these numbers reflect both conservatives who think he's completely blown off the ideas of our founding fathers as well as liberals who think he's not blown them off enough. And months after his socialist health care law was shoved down our throats through every sneaky trick in the books (and even some ones created just for the affair), there's still 58% of the population who favor repealing the law. And while I wouldn't equate the BP oil disaster with the Katrina disaster, most do feel that this is "Obama's Katrina" and his response to it is actually far worse than Bush's. By comparison, Bush was more immediate in his acknowledgment and comment on the problem, but up front Bush stated that he couldn't authorize anything until the governors of the affected states made the request. The governor of Louisiana at the time, Ms. Blanco, sat on her rear end and claimed she had it all under control...until it was obvious even to her that it really wasn't. That's not to say Bush couldn't have done much better. But Obama has cavitated around proclamations of "anger", being in control or various and sundry verbal attacks on related industries. What has been left in the wake has been shallow words and efforts that bubble to the surface and pop with a resound lack of positive effect.
The latest news--unsurprisingly ignored by the lamestream press--is the realization that prominent Keynesian economist and director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University Jeffrey Sachs admitted on MSNBC, when asked twice whether or not he conceded that Obama's stimulus had not worked, "It did fail". Personally, I just don't see how anyone with a reasonable amount of intelligence can actually believe the Keynesian economics could ever work--given that it never has worked in human history.
But if all these efforts, which are declining in popularity almost daily and many of which were in direct contrast to the will of a sizable majority of the populace, were suspect from the beginning and are now all but certain failures, why have Obama, Pelosi and Reid all pushed so hard? Because it was never about improving this nation. It was about power, dependency and the elitist attitude that seems to be innate with those who wholeheartedly subscribe to the socialist mindset. I can draw you parallel after parallel to some the most disastrous examples in history, and so many books written by the very people Obama and company espouse quite publicly. Bill O'Reilly has it correct. This is truly a culture war. As a Christian, I would also argue that this is a kingdom war. And the movers & shakers on both sides absolutely know this, even if the rank and file of either side are clueless. Just read the elitists' books. It's quite clear that in the same breath that they malign believers as backward, under-educated and superstitious, they also recognize that, different from religions that rely on violence or mysticism, Christianity, at its heart, is extremely powerful and influential. They do understand that we DO view this as battle between principalities and powers, that it is absolutely a spiritual war. They know and admit, to a small degree, in their writings that in order to propel their ideology they must smother and diminish Christianity and every virtue that it stands for. Even they know that you cannot serve two masters...and Progressives are just pompous enough to believe they know better than God.
Progressives and their liberalism is a false religion. They believe they are enlightened beyond us and that three things can ultimately help them achieve their goals. Push Christian ideas and values into the recesses, manufacture or exploit every crisis, and get as many people dependent upon them as possible. This always causes a nation to fail, but almost always results in these people getting power. Look throughout history...Russia, Germany, the list goes on.
We must turn the tide. We can turn the tide. But it won't be with the old guard, the self-proclaimed conservatives who squandered the opportunities they had, but rather got drunk on the power. We need the common man, people like Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison, Franklin, Washington, who were all just like us. They had a deep reverence for God, understood His nature and His Word. They had businesses, farms, families...lives. They knew there was a need for a unifying government, but that its hold on states and individuals must be light-handed, and that it best respected ALL individuals by not respecting individuals over each other....just as God is no respecter of persons. There were no "protected classes", and if you needed assistance that's what your peers, the churches, your communities made themselves responsible for. But if you refused to work, you didn't eat. If you needed something you paid for it or you worked for it or through the benevolence of others it was provided to you. It wasn't the responsibility of governments to take care of you...and it still isn't. It is impossible for any government to do this successfully. Obama refuses to see this. He is a failure, and he is perfectly willing to continue paving the road to hell with his good intentions.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Obama Is A Failure
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
Posted by Going_Galt at 3:10 PM