Sunday, September 5, 2010

Seriously, "Why not a RINO"? Really?

I've been watching the Delaware Republican Primary race with great interest because what you're seeing there is another battle for the soul of the Republican Party. Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I use to be a card-carrying, dues-paying member. The batch of Republicans who came into the Congress, as well as George Bush and John McCain changed that for me. I'm independent, and I'll only vote -- and send money to -- individual candidates. I'm convinced that the party establishment is nothing but a bunch of good ol' boys just trying to hold onto power. Michael Steele and the rest of the old guard are completely clueless. They'd like to ride the coattails of the TEA party movement, but they don't understand it. Sadly, time and time again we've seen them stupidly put their muscle -- and $$ -- behind the establishment candidate and behave like Democrats in attacking the one WE THE PEOPLE are supporting.

The battle in Delaware is between establishment darling, Republican In Name Only (RINO), Mike Castle, is slightly ahead of TEA Party favorite Christine O'Donnell. Mike Castle, like other RINOs such as Snowe, are the sweethearts of the Democratic Party because they can usually be counted on to vote with the liberals. Tim Ross, chair of the Delaware Republican Party, has pushed the establishment to fully get behind Castle. He and others of his ilk consistently fall back on the argument that O'Donnell can't win, that we'd be electing a Democrat if we get O'Donnell as the candidate.

If you are ignorant or shallow, you'll buy that argument. The TRUTH is that whether the Democratic nominee gets elected or a RINO gets elected, the end result is A LIBERAL GETS ELECTED. Mr. Ross, Mr. Steele and others just don't get it. Having a majority in name is NOT the same thing as having a majority. If a large portion of your party typically votes with the other side, then exactly what use is it? None. Instead of looking for a fake candidate, what Ross and other party leadership MUST do is find the true conservative candidate and work as HARD AS THEY CAN to get them elected over the liberal candidate. I don't give a rip about the party. I give my money, my effort and my vote to someone who will work the hardest to get this nation back to its roots.

So, my message to the party establishment and all conservatives: Stop being lazy, get up and work for the conservative candidates and forget about the party. Just because they wear the right t-shirt doesn't mean they actually believe it the principles!