You can say what you want about Delaware Republican candidate for Senate Christine O'Donnell. But what the anonymous mental midget did on the Gawker website was disgusting. First off, I don't believe in anonymity. If you are too chicken to be held accountable for your own words and actions you shouldn't be allowed to express. The First Amendment doesn't protect a right to being anonymous. It only protects your right to speak. So, I'd be quite happy to get rid off anonymity.
Now, having said that, let me say this: I hate liberalism. It is godless. It is gutless. It is a liar, disguising itself as altruism. Every liberal I've ever met either turned out NOT to be truly a liberal--they were simply ignorant about what makes a liberal or conservative--or were ultimately looking after Number One. Oh, to be sure, you'll not often get them to admit it or even realize it, but if you ask the right questions you can almost guarantee you'll find the selfish part that makes them support liberal causes.
The reason I say it's godless is that the more liberal the person is the further from anything scriptural they get. Prove me wrong! In contrast, the more conservative a person is you'll find that they rely more heavily on scriptural teachings. I'm not saying they are saints, I'm not even saying they are believers or born again. But you'll almost always find, in the political arena, the largest difference between a liberal and a conservative is that a conservative will more likely espouse a more Biblical worldview and make every attempt to hide any behaviors that betray that perspective......the liberal will most likely abandon all pretense of a Biblical worldview and even actively demean those who hold such a view. I'll direct your attention to almost every race in the current election to prove my point.
Liberalism, lacking any significant moral compass (because their compass moves at the whim of movement of the herd or uses itself as magnetic north), allows and even promotes and glorifies the behaviors that the Bible makes quite clear are deplorable. Homosexuality, drunkenness, sex outside of marriage, lying, stealing, cheating, murdering. I can take you into any of the bastions of liberal elitism and show you these things are celebrated and how many of them are in the process of being made legal to one degree or another. And it won't be conservatives that will be behind it...not real conservatives, anyway.
Liberalism on the face claims to grant individual freedom, but the dirty secret is that any responsibility is spread across the citizenry. All behaviors are acceptable, all behaviors are to be mainstreamed, laughed about, celebrated....except those behaviors that stand for scripturally sound teachings.
To liberalism, marriage doesn't matter since God is dead and it doesn't matter that something is counter to nature, it's what you feel that matters. So, if there's nothing sacred about marriage between a man and a women, then there's no reason two men can't marry. If two men can marry, then there's no reason three men and two women can't. And if there's no reason three men and two women can marry, then there's no reason a different species can be involved.
To liberalism, sex doesn't matter because it's just an act for pleasure, for happiness. After all, "the pursuit of happiness" is what the Declaration of Independence was about. If there is nothing sacred about sex, then there's no reason we have to get married. If there's no reason to limit it to marriage, then there's no reason to limit it by age or gender. Anyone physically capable of the act should be allowed---no, encouraged to have sex as early and as often as possible, right?
To liberalism, life doesn't really matter, because it's all about convenience and that much-vaunted "pursuit of happiness". Since sex is just an act of pleasure there's no reason, according the President Obama's own words, that anyone should be "punished with a baby". Only the women should be allowed to determine if the child has worth, has value, and should be allowed to live. Likewise, the old and infirm can be such a burden on the young and healthy, so why should they shoulder that burden at all? We should spread that burden across the citizenry---no, better yet, devise a way to determine if the value of the old or the infirm have enough value that maintaining their health is worth the cost. Certainly, any sensible old person could understand when they've reached the point of diminishing returns and low point of self-fulfillment....euthanasia is surely an option, right?
To liberalism, we can't be free to do what we want if we are somehow prohibited from doing so purely because we have not the means. After all, it's not fair that just because someone has exercised the freedom NOT to learn in school, exercised the freedom NOT to actually hold a job, or exercised the freedom to accumulate excessive debt, or exercised the right to impregnate five women, they should be penalized, right? Naturally, their needs and desires should be shouldered by everyone else.
To liberalism, the fact that America is an actual nation doesn't matter, since borders are simply man-made devices to oppress. People should be allowed to come and go as they please, to take what the want from the collective and give it to family in other countries--who are much less open about their borders, I might add--or squander it altogether. Whatever makes them happy, that's the cornerstone.
To liberalism, the socialist utopia is the mechanism to achieve these secular humanist goals. Otherwise, how would "social justice" come to pass? How would the "even playing field" be created? And the only way to start the socialist mechanism is through an election process whereby anyone who dares to oppose something that makes so much sense is a fair target for every sort of dirty, filthy smear, every bit of condescension. Because it hurts those people for whom accusations of infidelity, looseness, drunkenness actually means something. As I can prove throughout the media, those same accusations hold no court with liberals because those very behaviors are cause for celebration.
Yes, I hate liberalism. I didn't say I hate liberals. I may not like them very much, but I can't hate them. I believe if faced with truth they eventually could see how shallow and misguided that espousing liberalism really is.
And let me add a postscript here. The reason liberalism is so significant is because believers stopped doing what they were anointed to do, what they were commanded to do.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
End Liberalism Now
Posted by Going_Galt at 10:13 PM Comments (0)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Daily reminder to my fellow warriors in the battle for the soul of America: get out there and VOTE and pray hard!
Posted by Going_Galt at 5:57 AM
Monday, October 25, 2010
Latest Letter To The Editor
Below is the latest letter I submitted to the Del Rio News-Herald:
Del Rio, you have a choice to make. Several, in fact. Allow me to appeal to you on two fronts. First, fiscally. Now, I freely admit I had a number of serious issues with the Bush administration and the whole lot of Republicans in power. As far as I'm concerned, they were mostly big government Progressives and their spending proved that. In 2006 the Democrats took control of Congress and made it worse. Now we find ourselves becoming slaves to the state. More people on welfare, more people on Medicare/Medicaid, more people on food stamps, Social Security and,tragically, socialized health care is nearly upon us. Doubt that we are becoming slaves? Look at what's happening in Europe. They are rioting because government wants to raise the retirement age. Look at what happens when anyone dares say they will touch Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid. Near panic! Why? Complete dependency. This is what people like Ciro Rodriguez are striving for. And who pays? With virtually no opposition, people like Ciro Rodriguez, who never met a socialist program he didn't like, drummed up another $1.4 TRILLION deficit, which increased the overall DEBT to nearly $14 TRILLION. Ciro Rodriguez has consistently voted to enslave you to the federal government to pay off this debt. The more successful you are, the more you pay at a much higher rate. How is this moral? How is this fair? Ciro voted for TARP. What do we have to show for it? Nothing but debt and no change in unemployment. Ciro voted for the socialist health care law. What do we have to show for it? He didn't even read the bill. He lied to us the entire time about what it would mean to us. The result is increased debt, higher premiums, backdoor funding of abortion and now businesses are piling on to say they will need to drop their own health plans. Ciro refused to do anything to jettison Fannie and Freddie (the REAL reasons for the economic meltdown)--and now he's on board to take $300 Billion from you and give it to them! Is this how you run your household?
Now, let me appeal to you on the spiritual side. For many of you this will fall on deaf years, sad to say. But for those who have ears, let them hear. How do you reconcile supporting any elected official who openly and vigorously supports the killing of the unborn? Jeremiah 1:5 "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb, before you were born I set you apart;" Psalm 139:13-16 "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I
praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know
that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Ciro has consistently voted against any effort to curb abortions and voted to defund providers who refuse to do abortions. He has voted in favor of getting rid of the death penalty for crimes, but heartlessly votes in favor of cloning humans, destroying embryos to for experimentation. He has voted consistently to prevent the public display of the 10 Commandments--even though they serve as the basis for most of our laws. They were good enough for our nation to be built upon, but something to be ashamed of where Ciro is concerned?
Citizens, all the wasted spending, all the eroding of our freedoms, the gradually enslaving of this country to the federal government has gotten us nowhere. We cannot let this continue. You should absolutely fear when a politician wants to give you something. It is NEVER free. It always comes with a price....and with this current administration, the price is one we cannot afford. I say to Ciro and the rest: keep your 30 pieces of silver.
Posted by Going_Galt at 9:58 PM Comments (0)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I may come across as nagging, but if you haven't voted please in out and do it! Don't put it off and don't waste your right!
Posted by Going_Galt at 2:40 PM
Friday, October 1, 2010
A new study found that one third of all mammal species declared extinct in the past few centuries have turned up alive & well.
Posted by Going_Galt at 7:13 AM
Are we really this stupid? Obama said,"It time to free the slaves." Yes, but all you're doing is MAKING US SLAVES TO GOV'T.
Posted by Going_Galt at 7:01 AM