Monday, June 6, 2011

Anthony Weiner Should Resign

It's that simple, folks. First off, shame on every single one of you who take that stance "well, it's his private business and we shouldn't care about what he does in his personal life". Let me tell you something: he's an elected official. ALL elected officials should be held to a much higher standard. To be honest, all of US should be held to a higher standard. I'm sick of people playing to the lowest common denominator. Someone tell me exactly what there is to be proud of when we behave this way? How does this kind of disgusting behavior better us? How can anyone put the future of this nation in the hands of people who can't even manage their own lives?

HE LIED, folks. He admist now that he lied from the start. He faked being all upset. It was all a show. There was absolutely no remorse there. What you saw was someone caught completely red handed and he's sorry he got caught. Now, to be fair, I absolutley do NOT give conservatives a pass when we discover their reprehensible behavior. But here's a major difference: liberals don't find anything wrong with it! In fact, liberals routinely parade and celebrate such behavior. Where is the shame in this nation? Even IF we overlooke the adultery (which, according to scripture, is exactly what Anthony Weiner participated in), the man LIED to EVERYONE. Exactly how is this someone we want running government?

Congressman Weiner is wrong. He DID do something to warrant his resignation. Anyone who thinks he shouldn't resign needs to re-examine their standards. What are you using as your moral compass -- Jersey Shore, Desperate Housewives?