Sean Hannity is an idiot. There, I said it. He can't understand why many of us are "beating up the jury". I can't believe he watched the same trial. He actually said the closing comments by the defense were masterful. I couldn't disagree more vehemently. What angers and frustrates me is that he and all those who think the jury got it right just don't get the concept of circumstantial evidence. When you can't produce witnesses, when you have a body so horribly decomposed and otherwise destroyed by the environment it was disposed of in, you must resort to building a circumstantial case. There are levels of certainty that simply cannot be reached with circumstantial evidence compared to a case with eyewitnesses and typical physical evidence.
Sean---and the rest of you---it's not enough to feel that Casey's behavior was "deplorable". That doesn't serve justice. Juror number 3 claimed that they couldn't prove that Cayley was even murdered. As I said, when you don't have enough physical evidence all you have left is evidence that weighs heavily on the circumstance. The probability that the circumstances could point to anything other than a murder is so miniscule that I'm convinced that the jurors were all mentally deficient. Or morally bankrupt.
Sean Hannity lamely argued that some new types of forensics, non-peer-reviewed area of study were easily discounted. The problem with this is that every new type of evidence gets used for the first time somewhere. Sean---and the rest of you---you are a foolish, ignorant person.
What disgusts me more about this is what Casey Anthony has demonstrated is how anyone can get away with the perfect murder. It's a simple recipe. Murder the victim with any method that will not leave evidence on the bones; dispose of the body in a swamp-like area where there is plenty of heat & moisture and wildlife to decompose and consume the body down to the bones; lie with sufficient believability to allow several months to pass.
Finally, the most horrible aspect is that Casey is going completely free and will profit considerably from this. Why? Because she's a sociopath and because there are so many people and businesses who will be morally bereft enough to offer her money. As for me, I will attack and boycott anyone who does offer her money for anything. I am disgusted with every one of those jurors, and I'm disgusted with Baez and the entire defense team.
But what about the continued contention that Casey was a good mother? Clearly she is evil and has not a shred of morality. Anyone like that can pretend for the cameras...and they frequently do. Casey clearly craved attention, of any type. When the cameras roll she puts on the show. When she has an audience--family or not--the facade is brought out. But the bottom line for Casey is that she is shallow and selfish. And we will see more evidence of that in the coming months, mark my words. Nobody who is a good mother goes out partying all the time when they have a child. Nobody who is a good mother chooses not to contact authorities immediately if an alleged accident happens. Nobody who is a good mother goes out and parties with abandon knowing their child is dead.
I hope I never meet any of you who actually think that Casey was a loving mother. And I shudder that you might have children. I will pray for them.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Casey Anthony: The Good Mother?
Posted by Going_Galt at 9:01 PM