Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Celtic Diva, blind liberal attack dog.

Hey, Linda Kellen Biegel! What is your problem? You clearly have no clue what "conflict of interest" is. Those of us who actually know the truth would be most appreciative if people like yourself would find more productive things to do with your time. You are wasting the public time and money with your garbage accusations. Try donating time to a local homeless shelter, soup kitchen or raise money to pay off Obama's Plantation Plan.

I've got one word for you: FRIVOLOUS.

More on the ignorance of Olbermann

He took issue on his program with someone calling Obama a fascist. I have always maintained he's socialist (he and the liberals can call him whatever they want, but if it walks like a socialist, talks like a socialist and passes legislation that is socialist, guess what, Keith?). This latest effort by Obama to try to get legislation passed that gives government the ability to take over any business that they decide they need to, to limit executives' pay.

Let me share with you, Olbermann (and all the lemmings), the definition of a fascist: A person who believes in and supports a political philosophy, movement or regime that exalst nation above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation and forcible supression of opposition.

Hmm, I think I can easily make the case that Obama is moving dangerously close to that. He's taking over more and more business. He's spending this nation into submission to the state. And his executive orders, legislation and the types of judges he supports all point to a way effectively shut the mouths of the Godly (certainly chasing any mention of God or Christ out of public). Use of activist judges to force the socialist government's will upon those who disagree might arguably be construed as forcible suppression. Canada already jails church leaders who preach against homosexuality. And since this, among other unGodly behaviors, are Obama's poster child causes, and given the proven track record of liberal activist judges so far, is it that far of a stretch to suspect America won't be far behind?

So, Olbermann, I think one might just make the case for Obama exhibiting fascist tendencies. Are you capable of independent thought enough to acknowledge the possibility? Probably not.

Keith Olbermann, example of liberal lunacy

One of the many talking heads for the socialists, Keith Olbermann, once again spews garbage on his program. He showed a clip from Jindal stating something that I claim first rights too, something that Olbermann keeps trying to say is Rush Limbaugh's coinage: I want Obama to fail if success is on Obama's terms. I'm really tired of such ignorance.

Olbermann, hear this clearly. You have zero credibility when you keep whining about Rush. Rush is an entertainer, and a conservative icon to be sure. But he doesn't run the Republican Party, and he certainly doesn't dictate my behavior. Obama has demonstrated by almost all of his efforts so far that he is Godless and he is a socialist. You simply cannot argue otherwise. I will not be silent while socialism grows in this government. If you are incapable of comprehending the simplicity of this statement, then you should give up your day job--you are not worthy. I love America, period. I want this nation to succeed on the terms of the design created by our forefathers. If "Obama succeeding" means continuing all these socialist policies, then I do want him to fail. If you think you can take me on this, I'll happily take it to the television viewers if you're brave enough to bring it. Which you aren't.

Bursting On The Scene

Okay, kids, yes, I'm one of them. A Conservative Christian. I actually read and believe the Bible and, while I'm not anywhere close to perfect, I make every effort to live a Christ-like life (hence one of the reasons why we are called Christians). I'm not uneducated and I don't blindly following anyone or anything. I am the epitome of depth in a society that has become oh-so-shallow.

You will find that I have no problem calling people out on issues of morality, life and death, freedom versus slavery, but I do my best not to cross the line into condemnation. Toleration is a myth, a useless term hijacked by liberals to mean what fits them. I'll give you a clue as to where I'm coming from here: God is not tolerant. Giving you free will is not the same thing as being tolerant. Those who miss His mark will, sooner or later, reap the consequences of that choice.

I will not accept socialism, I will not accept liberalism, I will not accept being told I do not matter or have no voice. Glenn Beck has it right with his 9-12 Project:
9 Principles (my adjustments added):
1. America is good.
2. I believe in God and He is the center of my life. (I'll do this one better and say Christ is the center of my life)
3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
4. The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority (next to God), not the government.
5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and noone is above it.
6. I have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable. (I follow God's Word and Christ's example, period).
8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.

12 Values:

1. Honesty
2. Reverence
3. Hope
4. Thrift
5. Humility
6. Charity
7. Sincerity
8. Moderation
9. Hard work
10. Courage
11. Personal responsibility
12. Gratitude

Many of these are missing, or certainly strained, in today's society.

I will speak out passionately against people who tear down the fabric of America that was indeed established by our forefathers with a deep and abiding recognition that God was, and ever should be, the basis for and center of this nation. This is proven in historical writings, so you have no credibility by disagreeing.