Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Keith Olbermann, example of liberal lunacy

One of the many talking heads for the socialists, Keith Olbermann, once again spews garbage on his program. He showed a clip from Jindal stating something that I claim first rights too, something that Olbermann keeps trying to say is Rush Limbaugh's coinage: I want Obama to fail if success is on Obama's terms. I'm really tired of such ignorance.

Olbermann, hear this clearly. You have zero credibility when you keep whining about Rush. Rush is an entertainer, and a conservative icon to be sure. But he doesn't run the Republican Party, and he certainly doesn't dictate my behavior. Obama has demonstrated by almost all of his efforts so far that he is Godless and he is a socialist. You simply cannot argue otherwise. I will not be silent while socialism grows in this government. If you are incapable of comprehending the simplicity of this statement, then you should give up your day job--you are not worthy. I love America, period. I want this nation to succeed on the terms of the design created by our forefathers. If "Obama succeeding" means continuing all these socialist policies, then I do want him to fail. If you think you can take me on this, I'll happily take it to the television viewers if you're brave enough to bring it. Which you aren't.