Let me run this definition by you-- Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
The government owns the car industry, the banking industry and the insurance industry. Next up is the health care industry. The reasons all the Democrats use is that it's all broken and that the only way to fix it is for federal government to take it over. Can you show me ANYthing that government has taken over and then given control back? No, you can't. The filibuster-proof liberal Congress coupled with the Marxist Obama has already pushed the debt past $1 Trillion, all but solidifying the severe economic and social regimentation. The latest defense authorization bill now has a huge amendment to thrust a so-called "hate crimes" bill onto us. Of course, forget the FACT that the person for whom this bill is named was NOT killed because he was gay, but rather because it was a robbery. This is FACT. But just you wait, just as in Canada and in Europe, the result will be that you will ultimately be vulnerable to prosecution for simply saying homosexuality is wrong. This simply opens the door to other bills that will put restrictions on other types of speech, giving us effectively the suppression of opposition.
Back to health care. Have you seen the chart made that describes the disgusting juggernaut the Democrats are shoving down our throats? Most of your representatives are NOT reading the bill! Did you know that all employers will be forced to give you health insurance? Did you know that they will pay huge fines if they don't? Did you know that YOU will pay a fine if you don't purchase health insurance? Did you know that if you already have private health insurance the Democrats want to tax the value of your insurance? Now, do you think for a second if both you and your employer are going to be so heavily penalized by providing private insurance that both won't just drop private insurance you go under the socialized version?
My wife and I spent some time scuba diving with a young professional couple from England. The topic of their health care came up. Here's what they told us...if you need to go to the emergency room you're covered. If you don't care how long you wait, you can get most basic health care under their plan. Of course, this wait, according to them, is anywhere between three months to over a year! If you cannot wait they said they have no choice but to find a doctor who isn't tied to government health care and pay separately. Also, your ability to get some treatments sooner is affected by what they referred to as a "return on investment".
By the way, have you seen the tangled web Goldman Sachs has weaved to be so very tightly snuggled in bed with Obama and the Democrats? Where are all you people who jumped on the Haliburton bandwagon? Yeah, that's what I thought.
Wake up, people.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
You Will Be Assimilated
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
Posted by Going_Galt at 9:35 PM