I was posting back and forth with a friend of mine on Facebook who was distraught that both his wife and daughter love Sarah Palin. Now, I've always thought of my friend as Libertarian, so it surprised me the rancor with which he expressed his dislike of Palin, who also seems to have a bit of a Libertarian bent. What emerged from his statements were comments that lead me to believe that he'd rather support the Old Guard in the Republican Party.
I discontinued my membership in the GOP several years ago after President Bush all but turned his back (with most of the rank-and-file Republicans in Congress) on all the traditional values. The party became Democrat-lite. They solidified this turn by nominating the wet noodle known as John McCain. Then along came Sarah Palin. That turned out to be both a brilliant accident and a fatal mistake. She revitalized (though way too late) a dead campaign, but also overshadowed the Presidential nominee by being a conservative's conservative. She's beautiful and yet gutsy. She has more brass than anyone we've seen. Sadly, for those who were looking for someone who, off the cuff, had a wealth of wordly knowledge, Sarah wasn't their nominee. I would argue that neither does Obama, who constantly makes things up or buys into the latest fad in order to further his Marxist agenda. But that didn't matter since it was all about race with him...I will forever be convinced of that.
Sarah Palin, like her or hate her, has done something that I challenge anyone out there to bring up more than a hand full of peers who have done: Outlive her 15 minutes of fame. She was thrust out on the big stage and, true to what we'd come to know was her style, took ownership of it. Not afraid to stumble in public, and in spite of a McCain campaign of ignorant, tired, old-school limp Republican, she kept stepping out there. While the blubbering superficial masses fell all over themselves to forgive Obama's "William Shatner-esque" fumbling delivery when not on a teleprompter, they couldn't seem to muster a similar acceptance of Palin's clearly awkward delivery on subjects she --and everyone else-- knew were not her strong suit.
Yet, here she is. The putrid liberal bloggers have constantly unleashed barrage after barrage of baseless, disgusting attacks (as is typical of most liberals) on her and her family. Attacks even a tenth of that viciousness, if used on Obama and his family, would have been met with such an uproarious outrage that you'd have thought Armageddon was about to ensue. Months, now, after the election is long over the liberals in politics, entertainment and in the blogosphere have hardly let up. And, to make matters worse, a good many of the musty Republican guard have waged their own campaign of hate toward her.
So, she dicided to step down, saying that she will now be completely free to work for those who are like-minded. Her staunch supporters are all behind her. The conservative base is sort of behind her, but feeling somewhat let down. And the wishy-washy middle has no clue, couldn't support a real cause if their lives depended on it. As far as I'm concerned, they need to sit down, shut up and color...you're lukewarm and I spit you out of my mouth (look it up).
Was this a wize decision? To be honest, I don't know. She's keeping things close to the vest at the moment. This was a very unconventional move. I like unconventional. I wouldn't be surprised if she was taking a page out of the Rocky Balboa playbook and tossing out conventional wisdom and hitting the woodshed. It might be that she intends to go out, use her star power to raise $$ and support like-minded candidates. If she does this right, she could afford to spread herself across the world stage, building contacts, international exposure, awareness and knowledge--all the things the tired Old Guard complained she didn't have. In the process of working hard for the right movers and shakers, if she's able to draw the attention and support, she'll have quite a few people owing her. That would put her in a strong place to be a real contender.
If this nation actually survives four years of Obama Marxism, I'm convinced America will be ready to kick the bums out and will be looking for someone as different from him as you can get. That someone might be Sarah Palin. We'll have to wait and see if she was naive...or amazingly shrewd.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sarah Palin's Resignation
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
Posted by Going_Galt at 3:00 PM