Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Relieve Us Of Our Struggles?

You know you're a Socialist when...

Can you believe Mr. Obama? The entitlement mentality, the socialist drive is inescapable with this guy. The desperation of Progressives is palpable. President Obama is trying every angle he possibly can, including encouraging Congress to create new—and arguably unconstitutional—rules to let them get away with passing this debacle of so-called “health care reform” without actually voting on it. Of course, he and his cronies are screaming “We need and up or down vote”, but aren’t willing to actually HAVE that up or down vote. Hypocrites. One of Obama’s strong-arm tactics has been to throw his arm over the shoulder of the remaining Democrat hold-outs and badger them mano-a-mano into voting “yes”. Take Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, whom Obama took along on Air Force One to a rally. When Obama introduced Kucinich at the rally, someone in the audience shouted “Vote yes”. As if on cue (which it probably WAS), Obama turned to Kucinich, “Did you hear that, Dennis?” Tagging out his speech, the President recounted for his adoring, shallow, deceived fans something he allegedly said to Kucinich: “You know what? It’s been such a long time since we made government on the side of ordinary working folks, where we did something for them that relieved some of their struggles”.

Say what? What in blazes does he call Social Security? Medicare/Medicaid? Welfare? I could go on with the list, but the audacity and outright deception of the President is breathtaking. But more importantly, precisely what gives him or the government the right to “relieve our struggles”? Nowhere in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution do you see any mandate for government to do any such thing. In fact, contrary to the CLEARLY STATED INTENT of our forefathers, the government has done more to get in the way of citizens relieving THEMSELVES of struggles than anything else. Scripture tells us that in this world there WILL BE STRUGGLES. Exactly what does Obama and the federal government think it’s even capable of doing to actually remove them? Do you realize what happens when you remove all “struggles” from people’s lives? They get fat, lazy, complacent, demanding to be taken care of and coddled. They become unproductive and useless. They get sicker. Yes, yes, there is such a thing as overwhelming adversity. And that’s where WE come in. Not the government, but US. The average citizen. If all you Progressives are so philanthropic, why don’t you take a page from the New Testament and give away all YOUR earthly wealth for the benefit of those in need around you? The fact is, you are the LEAST likely to be so generous. You are more likely to be generous with everyone ELSE’s earthly goods than your own. Oh, to be sure, the Church has long fallen down on the job in these areas, but even that’s beginning to change.

What these Progressives don’t like is the fact that there is a fundamental disagreement here. We believe, as did our founding fathers, that certain inalienable rights were endowed to us by OUR CREATOR. THEY believe they are granted to us through the benevolence of forward-thinking government leaders. At this point, I am convinced that a majority of the Progressives would much prefer we throw out our Constitution and create a new one. In fact, Glenn Beck revealed writings and videos of prominent Progressives, ones who have connections to President Obama, who advocate exactly that course of action.

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time we got off of our complacent hind ends and stood against efforts of government leaders determined to “progress” us into a more tyrannical form of government.