Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Welcome To THE USSA

Sunday night the Progressive unilaterally forced America to the next big step to make us like the rest of the FAILED WORLD. Welcome to the United Socialist States of America. Think I'm crazy? I see in the news how several socialist countries have "congratulated" America in joining them.

Almost without ceasing since the Democrats raped the country I've heard Progressives say such stupid things as "I have a right to health care" or "I have a right to be healthy". How absolutely ridiculous. Let me ask you geniuses something...what's the difference between an inalienable right and a government-granted one? Huh? Stuck on that one? An inalienable right is God-given, and what God gives He doesn't take away. And mankind has no right to take it away, either, which is precisely why our founders put the phrase into our documents. Any right that a government grants can be taken away. But when we stupidly grant government the authority to usurp that of God we reap exactly what we sew.

Health is what it is, folks. You are born with certain strengths, weaknesses, propensities and resistance. Some of us are more susceptible to some kinds of illnesses than others. Come ON, people, wake up, here. If we had absolutely no doctors, no medicine, no hospitals, how exactly do you have a right to be any more healthy than you have control over, notwithstanding those who actually understand God's grace and that which believers have access to (though don't often operate in)? You who actually think you have a right to be health and, by extension, health care -- in whatever form that comes -- are saying that the very second someone comes up with a new drug, vaccine, procedure, prosthesis, whatever, you have a right to it.

Really? Are you KIDDING ME? That is no different from someone suddenly deciding that being able to scuba dive is a right. If those who feel they have this right feel that I'm somehow depriving them of the right to scuba dive, they will find a way to legislate it so that I can only charge what they feel is acceptable (if I get to charge at all). Oh, but what if I decide not to teach scuba diving anymore? Well, by their logic, I have the skill and I have no right to deprive them. I am a slave of their concept of what a right is.

Health care is NO DIFFERENT. And government has no right to declare it a right. Government has no right to declare that everyone purchase health insurance no more than they have a right to declare everyone has to become a scuba diver. It's forcing you to purchase something AND to purchase it based on GOVERNMENT'S qualifications.

What an absolutely disgusting concept. What exactly do I have a right to? The pursuit of happiness...not happiness, but the pursuit of it. There are no guarantees of happiness, no more than there are guarantees to good health. It is something I PURSUE. If I choose to eat lard-soaked food, not exercise, consume 12-packs of alcohol every other day (all of which I observe are FREQUENT past times in this area), then I have chosen every single one of the health PROBLEMS that come with those choices. Oh, but you Progressives think I have a right to any and all health care, regardless.


Now, where does government have a mandate? To make sure that those who engage in the BUSINESS OF HEALTH CARE do so fairly and with integrity. That's why such things as putting restrictions on arbitrary dropping of the insured or opening up competition between states or restricting companies from unceremoniously denying coverage to those with pre-existing conditions are rightly debatable remedies. But what the Progressives did was much, much more than that. It was all about leveling the playing field, redistribution of wealth, punishing the successful and those who take care of themselves, and otherwise creating this thing called "social justice".

Do you want to know what social justice is? "The wages of sin is death". That's social justice, kids. If you want to get right down the TRUTH, we all deserve to die. By God's standards, His standards of holiness, we don't have a right to live. How does that feel? But, He granted us free will and an opportunity -- and the freedom -- to make the choices: "I put before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose life".

What have we chosen? Slavery, and the mistaken idea that we have rights to THINGS. Why are you people so selfish and shallow, so entitlement-minded? I'm sick of people and their entitlements. SICK OF IT. How DARE you tell me I have to purchase something I don't want. How DARE you infect this country with the twin diseases of Social Justice and Economic Justice. True justice is found in Scripture, not government.