Bill Mahar, the mental giant that he is
And you would be wrong.
I will tell you this, though, about my perspective. Once you start behaving like your stereotype you are pretty much inviting the prejudice that goes with it. I'm not saying it's right, but it is what it is. I think it's intellectually and socially lazy to act like your stereotype. That goes as much for the redneck white guy as it does the black gangsta. Of course, each one of these people would defend to the last their choice of clothing, language and behavior and not comprehend that they are, in fact, feeding into their own stereotype. And what happens to those who make a conscientious choice to break from that stereotype? They are often ridiculed and chastised for doing so.
People like Bill Mahar are very truly intellectually lazy. He simply hates and latches on to the first thing he can use that's incendiary. He and Michael Moore are peas in a pod. They are to the liberal and Progressive movement what the KKK and Aryan Brotherhood are to conservatism...disgusting, ego-centric anomalies who fear certain things about themselves so much that they transfer this emotion onto a ready-made subject.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
In The "Isn't That Interesting" Department...
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
Posted by Going_Galt at 7:42 PM