Yes, I'm convinced that the law that Arizona passed that simply enforces federal laws that already exist needed to be passed. They have seen tremendous increases in crime--violent crime in particular--that can be traced back to Mexico. That's one issue. Another is that the ILLEGAL immigrant population in Arizona has been growing steadily and is creating an ever-increasing drain on their public services.
They had to do something. The federal government certainly isn't doing anything. Bush did nothing, Obama has done nothing. Why? Because the feds are scared to death of angering hispanics and losing their votes.
Well, how about this....any hispanic who isn't himself or herself right up in the front of the crowd yelling for secure border should be ashamed! That's right, ashamed. If you followed the law, if you did what was expected and you gained residency or citizenship the correct way, how can you in good conscience stand by and let millions of cheaters, liars and criminals get away with coming here without going through what you had to?
GASP! Cheaters? Yep, they snuck across, often creating false identities, etc. to stay here. They lie about how they got here, where their true citizenship is, etc., just to stay here. They ALL broke the law, which is a criminal act...and a small percentage ARE actually violent criminals.
Most Conservatives know that we MUST do something about the illegal immigration problem. You are mentally lazy if you lump the legal and illegal immigration issues together. But we know that, regardless of what we ultimately decide to do about the MILLIONS of people who broke the law to get here and stay here, we can't do a thing until we PUT IN PLACE SOMETHING THAT ABSOLUTELY PREVENTS PEOPLE FROM COMING HERE WITHOUT PERMISSION. If you are unwilling to solve that issue, you have no credible say in the discussion and you are, by definition, a part of the problem. I would argue that you are complicit in the crime.
One last thing. I am sick and tired of the lazy among you accusing us of being "racist" when two things are OBJECTIVE FACTS. First, hispanics--those from Mexico in particular--are not a race. They are an ethnic group, with more in common with "anglos" than anything. Second, by a massively overwhelming margin, the largest group of violators of our immigration law are people from Mexico. FACTS, people. We didn't make the rules, we didn't decide to count only one group of people over another. It is NOT a prejudicial statement to say most people here illegally are from Mexico. You don't see a flood of Canadians streaming across our borders.
So, what exactly would you propose we do? I get quite incensed every time I hear that Democrat Luis Gutierrez from Illinois speak. He's very much the typical spokesperson for the liberal mindset on this issue. And when you press him for a solution he gives you NOTHING. "We have to address the issue". No duh! BUT WHAT WOULD YOU DO, LUIS, HUH?
I'll tell you exactly what he wants, though he would hate to put it this way. He wants an open border so that people from Mexico can escape the horror that IS living in Mexico and come to the Socialist utopia he and other Progressives are trying to turn this country into. You see, America, in spite of the past couple of years, is still the land of plenty. Luis thinks we can magically sustain this spread-the-wealth juggernaut forever, creating an enticing valhalla for "his people". He thinks they are "entitled". Well, Luis, NOBODY is entitled to come here. So, times are hard in Mexico? Organized drug cartels taking over? Your socialist government not working out so well? At the risk of sounding callous, it sucks to be you. FIX YOUR OWN COUNTRY.
We need to elect representatives who are NOT intellectually lazy, who can ignore the false and ignorant claims that they are somehow anti-hispanic, and who are willing to put a serious wall at our border. Unless you can come up with a BETTER way to prevent people from coming here, I ask you to shut are just blowing smoke and have no justifiable argument. As soon as you block illegal immigration, thus forcing everyone to migrate here LEGALLY, then we can talk about what to do with the law-breakers who are already here.
And you will never convince me to stop calling them law-breakers. I don't care where you came from, if you didn't follow the rules, you broke the law. I may have sympathy for the plight that drove you here, but you still broke the law. Prove you have some integrity...prove you deserve to live here. Own up to it.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Protecting Our Borders
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
Posted by Going_Galt at 7:56 PM