Has Atlas begun to shrug? The Governator tried to convince voters in California that they needed to agree to tax increases to keep the state from going bankrupt....and they overwhelmingly said "NO". Now, before you all get excited, the fact is that they have just handed Obama more power. Power that he craves. Obama will not let California fall apart -- the "they're too big to fail" syndrome again, kids -- and will end up lumping another bunch of billions in taxes upon ALL of us.
We're about to be screwed even more, folks, make no mistake. But, because the voters in California, who are mostly liberal, did something remarkable by actually telling government "no more taxes". It may be that, from the least likely place, Atlas has begun to shrug....
....or has it? I recognized immediately that the gesture was ultimately symbolic since there's absolutely no way Obama can resist the opportunity to put on his "savior cape" and swoop in and save them from theirselves. As I thought about that aspect more I've come to suspect that, when the dust settles, we will discover that this was actually a very calculated effort by Californias...one that actually furthers their socialist ideology. Think about it...you are an unrepentant liberal. You believe that the nanny state is utopia. You've spent your life and political capital make your state the liberal bastion, almost competing against the northeastern states for that bragging right. Unfortunately, this agenda is economically unsustainable by California alone. You know you have a socialist in the Presidency who has a savior complex. You know that if the governor of your state wants to keep funding your socialist state the tax increases will have to be huge. "Spread the wealth", anyone? You vote to deny the governor the chance to significantly raise your taxes, knowing Obama will spread the cost across ALL of the country.
So, this is a very dangerous time. Will the John Galt's of this country truly rise up?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Californians...beginning to Go Galt?
Posted by Going_Galt at 7:29 PM