Monday, May 4, 2009

How hateful and nasty can (MS)NBC and liberals get?

You know, I don't care how bad some right-wing extremists get, they can't touch the horrible behavior of liberals. Carrie Prejean answered a loaded question by that hatefuly human being, Perez Hilton, and she gave a Godly answer. There was no malice in her answer, just as there is no malice in what the Scripture says about homosexuality. It's the truth, period. He went on to do and say some of the most disgusting things on his blog. He is exemplary of the left, particularly the homosexual activists. NBC has completely abandoned any pretense of objectivity by their frequent, nasty, hateful remarks against all things conservative and of traditional values (e.g., Olbermann, Shuster, Maddow).

One of the most disappointing things about all this is that people like Perez Hilton perpetrate intellectual dishonesty by claiming that we, who believe marriage is only to be between one man and one woman, are somehow bigots, that we are denying them "their rights". They're not our "rules", people. They're God's. It conforms to the design of nature (even in the face of the fact that the earth was cursed because of man's sin and, as a result isn't even perfect). God hates sin. He loves people. He expects us to shun sin. What is so blasted difficult to understand about that? There is redemption from all vices, but the sad thing is they don't think that homosexuality IS a vice. And, to make themselves feel better about it they want to shut the Christian voice, malign people like Carrie Prejean, and pretend that their agenda is somehow equal to racism. You can't choose race (besides, in the beginning there was only one race), but you can choose your sexual preference (hence why it is called a "preference"). As far as their "rights" are concerned, they can marry anyone of the opposite gender they want (and who says "yes", of course). Against such there can be no law. And it is simply a lie to lay down the argument that you can't help who you fall in love with. That's a lie straight out of the pits of hell. You EXACTLY choose who you fall in love with, just as you choose to continue loving that person for the rest of your natural days.

We should be sick and tired of the nastiness of BOTH sides, but the left is infinitely more horrible about their disagreements.