Thursday, May 28, 2009

More Fiscal Malfeasance From The President

I'm one of those who, years ago, strongly supported the national sales tax instead of our current income tax. My primary reasons centered on two important points. First, those who have, for so long, found ways to avoid paying taxes (smugglers, organized crime, anyone who operated on strictly a cash basis) would end up paying taxes simply because, regardless of how they got their money, they bought stuff with it. The other was the fact that our current tax system punishes success and drives people to hide their wealth. A national tax replacing income taxes would mean that we--and the government--would benefit most from encouraging as much growth and wealth as possible if the government wanted to fund things. Common sense, really...or one would think. But, of course, that's been lacking in most of our legislatures for some time (not to mention about half our citizenry).

Fast forward to 2009. Now the Obama administration seems to be warming up to the idea of a national sales tax. But here's the major problem. They want the national sales tax imposes in addition to your income taxes. Do you hear me, people? Because he wants to fund all these socialist programs he has no choice but to confiscate more money. What he, from his den of lies, is calling "health care reform" is nothing of the sort. He's not capable of reducing the cost nor improving the quality. In order to give everyone some tiny piece of health care (I can absolutely, without a doubt, guarantee your coverage will be MUCH more limited), he has to confiscate money from everyone and spread the cost over all of us to pay the humongous bill he's going to run up. That's a fact.

Double taxation, folks. Actually, more than that. Since he's also talking about taxing at every level of the product life cycle it means that the price of a product will grow many more times because, for instance, the manufacturer will have to pay this tax to get the raw materials, and the wholesaler will have to pay this tax on the product, the retailer will have to pay this tax on products to stock the shelves, and you, last of all, will shoulder the final insult.

And you're going to lay there like a lump and take it all, because that's what you do. Get your Galt on, people. It's time to start shrugging.