Governor Sanford, I have just one word for you: RESIGN.
I don't expect perfection out of our elected officials, I really don't. But, apparently unlike a growing number of Americans, I do hold them to a higher standard. We should hold them to a higher standard. Sadly, liberals seem to celebrate the disgusting antics of people like Bill Clinton who, as President, decided to obtain sexual favors from someone other than his wife on our dime.
Here's the thing, folks. Someone who cheats on his wife is telling you something about his character...or lack thereof. How absolutely low do you have to be to jet off to another country, lying to everyone about where you were going, so you could jump in the sack on Father's Day? I was watching Fox News and Sean Hannity asked this very question, does something like this matter. Ann Coulter, whom I often find abrasive, stated unequivocally that it speaks to character. She gets it. Of course, liberals celebrate it when one their own sleeps around. Even worse, they don't really care about marriage itself since they are all on board with such things as same-sex marriage and even getting rid of marriage itself in favor of some sort of short term "contract".
Can we please get politicians who have character? Can we get some conservatives who actually walk the walk? Sanford made a name for himself (though I'd never heard of the guy) in the Republican Party as a Family Values kind of guy. But then, in his ridiculous press conference, he dares to say that this "began very innocently as I suspect many of these things do ... Over this last year it developed into something much more than that". What a crock. What an absolute lie. These things never begin innocently. Jesus said that if you lust in your heart you have already committed adultery. No, sir, he got this ball rolling the moment he decided to go anywhere or spend any time alone with a woman not his wife. That's called lack of integrity. It's called lack of character.
Sanford, you need to go. Just like any other politician who displays similarly horrible judgement.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sick And Tired Of The Scandals!!!
Comments by IntenseDebate
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Posted by Going_Galt at 9:21 PM