Monday, January 11, 2010

The Failure Of Obama Administration Energy Policies

I just read where Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is going to create more hurdles for energy companies to jump over in order to drill on public lands (this also includes off-shore drilling).

First off, all you tree-huggers can just keep quite because you have no clue, you are living in a fantasy world and have little intelligible logic behind any of your emotionally-driven drivel. I consider myself a good steward of the environment, but I absolutely know that God has given us dominion over this earth (those who are born into the Kingdom) and I find it impossible to believe that God was so short-sighted as to not plan for us to have access to all the necessary resources to last until Christ comes again. If you don't happen to believe the Bible, then you are simply wasting your energy anyway since there is no point to existing.

Now, anyone who actually pays attention to our energy situation knows that we are too dependent on foreign oil. The load of garbage that liberals have tried to sell you is that we can replace that with so-called renewable resources. But the fact is that none of those resources are capable of even a one-for-one replacement for the energy output and flexibility of use that we currently require. And they also neglect to tell you that conversion of one major consumer of a particular type of energy to another creates an unsustainable cascade effect on other types. For example, the big push toward electric cars. First, electric cars don't come close to the power and range of combustible engine counterparts. Second, we do not have the infrastructure in place to allow you to plug your car in for a recharge. Third, where a gas or diesel engine takes mere minutes to refill, the fastest recharge right now is 30 minutes for an electric car. And how do you bring back a "can of electricity" if you run out in the middle of nowhere? Fourth, just exactly is going to produce the insane increase in need for electricity that moving to electric cars would call for? Current electrical plants strain under the requirements we currently place on them. Liberals practically foam at the mouth when you suggest building more nuclear power plants -- the only plants capable of supplying that kind of power in the long term. Solar technology isn't anywhere close to ready, and neither is wind. In fact, tree-huggers rally against all the wind farms because they allegedly kill bird populations.

So, the only viable solution for now is responsible drilling in areas we have control over. We still have huge resources waiting to be tapped and we have to tie the hands of those who have continued to expend every effort to enslave us to a malevolent government policy. This will open up a lot more jobs, will eventually result in higher production in the U.S. and a reduced reliance on foreign oil. In the meantime, we should be working to build more nuclear plants (whose technology has significantly increase since the last plant was built 30 years ago). This could buy us the breathing room to improve other technologies to a point that they can truly replace oil.