Tuesday, January 19, 2010

On Scott Brown's Win In Massachusetts

Pulling off a stunning upset, Scott Brown beat Martha Coakley to win the special election for the Senate seat left vacant by the late Ted Kennedy. Considering how absolutely liberal Massachusetts has been for decades, this is amazing.

What this does is break the Democrats 60-vote, filibuster-proof majority. Mostly. With a few liberal Republicans who quite often vote with the Democrats, they could still spell disaster for hard-working Americans. However, here are some things I expect to see.

The Democrats -- and all their progressive supporters in the media -- will distance themselves from Coakley. They will pretend that this election was almost completely about the "horrible campaign" she ran rather than the truth, that this was a message to the nation that they do NOT like what the Democrats have been doing.

They will be scrambling to line up RINOs (Republican In Name Only) to make up the difference, and they will be scrambling to convince the House Democrats to lay down and simply pass the Senate bill as-is. If that fails, they will completely throw any hopes of saving a majority in the House or Senate and use the so-called "reconciliation" option to jam through a 51% majority vote.

Why would so many execute political suicide? You've seen this kind of behavior before. This becomes such a deeply ingrained disbelief that we wouldn't want their agenda and such a deep-seated anger and desire to be right that they would be willing to die on this hill. They see it as a type of martyrdom.

Probably the most disgusting piece of all this is that, through it all, they will constantly spew the lie that "this is what the people want". And it is a lie. Yes, we know there are things that need to be fixed in our health care system. But nothing that the liberals have done has been to FIX it. It's been totally about creating a nanny state and having a more socialized government. They don't care what the "people want" because these progressives don't believe you have a clue what you want, much less what you really need. That's exactly how they think.

There is a need to address health care costs, jobs, national security, etc.. The Republicans have been "progressive-lite" for 8 years and screwed things up. But what the Democrats have done is run roughshod over our form of government and behaved like little children, like bulls in a china shop. They've been drooling over all the socialism that they could have implemented and been frustrated that a few within their own party decided to hold out for some political payola in order to pass their bills.

So, this should be a wake-up call to both Republicans and Democrats. I suspect Democrats will remain with their hands on the snooze button until their house burns down. Hopefully, ours won't burn along with them.