Monday, January 25, 2010

A President And A Government Run Amok!

Let's look at the score as it now stands: A majority, but by no means a landslide when you look at actual popular vote, voted Mr. Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the other progressives into unanimous power. And, call me what you want (and you'd be dead wrong, so tough), but most of you who did vote for them did so for completely shallow, superfluous reasons. Most of you had no real clue what you were voting for other than how "pretty" Obama was, or that he was all about "change" or, yes, because he was black. Some of you actually DID know what he was about and you were absolutely giddy at the prospect of being able to soak the "rich" and live off the government (hence, the taxpayer) dime. And, still others of you have purely antisocial agendas, like validating deviant behaviors by creating artificial legitimacy via legislation. Sadly, you all actually believed the progressives had the answers (and clearly didn't recognize that they were largely a part of the problem) and believed they could fix all this.

So, what have we seen as a result of this blind choice? The left bracket and the right bracket of everything here is the mantra "we inherited this mess". No matter what, Obama and his folks have, and continue, to use this as their excuse. So, they took billions of YOUR tax dollars--and printed a lot more without benefit of an economy to actually back it--and wasted it on the stupid idea that bailing out failing big corporations and banks would solve the problem. More billions got dumped into multiple stimulus plans, allegedly to create jobs. No, wait a minute, now it was meant to save or create jobs. 2 millions jobs, in, wait....1.5 milli....oops, sorry, several thousands of jobs. Oh, well, that's not important, right? I mean, you didn't lose your job, did you? Then Obama MUST have saved it, right?.

Hmmm, what else? Oh, yeah, while you and your family were looking for a job or doing what you could to hold onto the one you had and keep your home, this administration was dumping almost all focus on REALLY doing something to help the job market and expending all effort to shove socialized health care down your throat. They frequently lied about how much it would cost, insisting it would be "deficit neutral". They worked most of it behind closed doors and stretched what normally passes in Congress as pork and bones tossed hear and there for votes into what cannot be characterized as anything less than bald-faced payoffs. Louisiana, get the picture.

Now, Congress has lifted the debt ceiling of the federal government another 1.9 trillion dollars, putting at an overall debt limit of--wait for it--14 trillion! This is money we owe. All because we voted in a bunch of people who love big government and think it's government's job to provide for you, cradle to grave. Well, sort of. Based on the writings of many of Obama's cabinet and czars, you have to actually be beneficial in order to warrant federal expenditure. Watch some of Bernard Shaw's old home movies and you'll see what I mean. He's one of their favorites.

So, when the public started to actually wake up and realize the emperor had no clothes the TEA party movement began. Naturally, the administration labeled us every nasty thing in the book. They couldn't believe that people didn't love what they were doing. They couldn't believe that we weren't willing to "sacrifice" for what they called "the greater good". The fact was, more and more people recognize where they were really taking us. We've seen socialism and communism and it fails, miserably, every time. And the same internet, the same technology that allowed them to ride a wave of fear/hype/hysteria into power are the same tools we're using to find the truth behind all those people Obama so proudly surrounds himself with, that he relies upon for knowledge and advice. YouTube and archival recordings give us the real agendas behind his top people and even the man himself.

Here we are, a year later. Obama and the Democrats in office have put this nation geometrically deeper into debt than we've ever been. They have presided over the loss of over 4 million jobs. They've spent hundreds of billions and have nothing to show for it. But what will you hear in Obama's state of the union special? That he inherited a horrible situation and that it won't be fixed in just a year, two years or even four years. You'll hear that Republicans have not helped the situation--although the fact is that his policies and those of the Progressives have been so horrible that they've had to pay off half their own party just to pass what they have. You'll hear him try to pay YOU off by having yet more wasteful spending--that we cannot afford--on relatively small programs to make you feel better. You'll hear more about task forces and commissions and the like -- pronounced "bureaucracy" -- to work on the jobs problem. Of course, he should have been focusing on that in the very beginning instead of trying to destroy our health care system.

By the way, did you notice how, in the beginning, the problem was health care costs? Then, somewhere along the way it became insurance? The only effort to actually "reduce" the cost was to include price controls in their horrible bills. Artificially limiting costs always leads to shortages. Always. If you though getting in to see a doctor was tough now, just imagine what it would be like when more doctors and nurses say "I quit" because the Progressives decide they charge too much.

Anyway, I will probably grab the text of Obama's speech and dissect it for you. I will do my best to trudge through it and point out the lies, mis-characterizations or things that are truths but are things you don't want to live under...and why. I urge Christians to take it in with a Biblical mindset. Always remember that for the early church the government was absolutely the wrong answer and that it is we, as individuals and as the corporate body of Christ, who bear the responsibility of doing most of the things that we've pawned off on state and federal governments. For those who aren't necessarily Christians, but who have a clear head about responsibilities, look at his speech through the eyes of the Constitution. This document spells out what the federal government is allowed or is responsible to do. EVERYTHING else is remanded to the people or the states. We've given the federal government too much money and too much power. If it's not specifically in the Constitution, the federal government isn't supposed to touch it. Period.