Thursday, January 6, 2011

Finally An End To Anchor Babies?

Dear Lord, I hope so. The new Congress has introduced legislation to stop the decades old practice of "anchor babies". This complete misapplication of the 14th Amendment has allowed illegal immigrants (HAH! Take THAT, lamestream media!) to come over here and drop a litter just so they can claim citizenship-by-proxy. For the uninitiated, the 14th Amendment was added specifically to grant citizenship to freed slaves. It was NOT intended to be abused the way it has been. Groups like the deplorable La Raza -- a group of racists/ethnicists -- claim that this new legislation punishes children for the "sins of the father". Of course, to any intelligent being this is complete and utter rubbish. It's not a "punishment" at all. It's called respecting the laws and sovereignty of a nation and not using loopholes to circumvent due process. You see, early in our history we needed to bring in as many people as we could. We had the room, we had the resources. Eventually, however, we needed to regulate our borders for a number of reasons that seem to make sense to approximately half the country...I can't explain the ignorance of the other half. So, we developed a process. We created a path to citizenship -- apparently, again, half this nation is completely clueless that this pathway already exists. It is very obviously an intent to get around this when a woman of non-American nationality sneaks here in late-term in order to give birth while on our soil. You cannot tell me that's not the intent. Say any different and I'll call you a liar to your face. The bottom line is that this legislation is badly needed. It removes just one more reason for people not of this country to come here illegally. Now, if we can just get some real teeth and bite into every single business who hires illegal immigrants.