Monday, January 10, 2011

Quite Sick Of Liberal Hypocrites

Make no mistake, the senseless murder of 6 people, and other injured including Congresswoman Giffords by the evil that is Jared Lee Loughner is inexcusable. But almost as inexcusable is the almost immediate and unanimous filth that the New York Times, NBC, ABC, CNN, CBS, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik and others. I watched the garbage, the lies that Sheriff Dupnik spewed and wanted to come through my TV set and debate him immediately. I can go through YouTube and show you so many examples of vitriolic liberalism that it would make your head spin. The outright hypocrisy of LIBERALS is amazing.

When the Fort Hood shooting happened the President and the lamestream media immediately cautioned everyone to not rush to judgment regarding the motives of the perpetrator, even though him shouting "Alla Ackbar" would give one a pretty clear indication. What do you get when you look at YouTube and MySpace entries by Jared Loughner? Incoherent babbling. In fact, contrary to the lies of the Left, when you examine in more detail what Loughner's rantings include, you would be more likely to believe HE IS A LIBERAL---his favorite books are Mein Kamf and Communist Manifesto, he hates God and he videotaped himself burning a flag. THESE are more indicative behaviors of liberal extremism, not conservative extremism. But as evil as I'm convinced liberalism is, as shallow as I believe progressives to be, there's no way that I would have pinned the blame on liberals for the actions of this insane man.

I have a few words for Sheriff Dupnik. First, you need to be fired. I hope you lose your job, because you do a disservice to Arizona. The irresponsibility you showed by spouting your ideological hyperbole in the performance of your duty should be enough to have you removed for dereliction of duty. You, sir, hate. You, sir, are part of the liberal mindset bent on finding every way, shape or form to pin anything violent upon conservatism. And you are, whether you know it or not, completely in league with the liberal elite, the liberal media.

I am sick of people like this getting away with kind of thing. When we should be sending out our prayers, our sympathies toward the families of those killed or injured, when we should be looking at calm, common-sense approaches to deal with these sorts of events, what we get is fear- and hate-mongering from the Left in the political and media realms.

How are you people on the Left able to live with yourselves? How do you not see what you are doing is wrong? Where is your soul? I am not some special case, some unique thinker, yet when I see you liberals behave this way, saying the things you say, lying at every turn just because you have the largest mouthpiece, I can't help but think there is something mentally deficient in your thought processes.

Look throughout our history, people. We have used, at every point of the political spectrum, all levels of rhetoric. "Militaristic metaphors" have often been a part of the dialogue. You cannot make any credible case that this is some sort of motivator for antisocial behavior. Evil is its own motivator. For liberals, who are just as guilty as conservatives--in fact, I'd be able to make the case they are MORE violent in speech--of making outrageous statements, to say that magically violence would be reduced by "toning down the rhetoric" is completely a myth.

We have the First Amendment. The freedoms protected from government intrusion has allowed some of the most disgusting, filthy, evil and violent things to be said about Sarah Palin and her family and you hear NONE of the lamestream standing up against it. They promote it. But as soon as MUCH less shocking illustrations are used by conservatives the liberals are at the ready to trash them. How dare you? Blaming Rush Limbaugh, Michele Bachmann and others, calling them "accessories to murder"? Anyone who makes that claim is clearly not all there. Certainly irresponsible.

We are a nation of laws. These laws, for the most part, ARE based on Biblical principles. Regardless, people are expected to obey those laws. We have consequences for violating them. Prosecute those who do. Quit trying to make up a reason to extend your hate and invent violations of the law when there are none. The moment we are afraid to speak up is the moment we have given up our rights. Give no place to the Devil!