Tuesday, January 18, 2011

More Palin Derangement Syndrome

It would be nice to be surprised and find out the liberal loons from sites like Huffington Post, read my little blog. Actually, I'm surprised if anyone does. Nevertheless, on the every-so-slight chance, I've got to throw the gauntlet down in front of those mental midgets. After the comments that those "brilliant minds" from Huffington Post, etc have made on the various interview shows, I am convinced that a prerequisite for becoming employees of those place is that you must have diminished mental faculties. Severely diminished. When they make comments like telling Sarah Palin that she just needs to "shut her mouth now", my immediate reaction is take your own advice. Have you smarmy self-important and unintelligent elitists ever heard "it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"? Well, guess what. It's too late for you.

It's just too bad that someone like me doesn't have the opportunity to take people like you on in a national forum. But then I make a rule of not going into a battle of wits with someone who is unarmed.

Clearly, Sarah Palin stands for something. She stands for truly conservative principles and doesn't flinch when shallow malcontents attack her. Of course, her detractors, her haters, do as well. They stand for the lowest of moral standards, the highest level of selfishness....and all very poorly disguised as "altruistic compassion" for others. But if you watch their interviews, read their blogs, you see the truth. They hate. A lot. Period.