Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Caving Of Sen Nelson of Nebraska

If you look at the details of what he received--millions of dollars in benefits, exemption from certain taxes/mandates, and much more--it's obvious Senator Nelson was NOT holding out on principle. In fact, I would contend that he, just like his mate from Louisiana, Mary Landrieu, was just another political whore. Yes, I said it. Selling yourself for money is exactly that. I'm not saying that most of the Republicans aren't above that--nay, they've been just as guilty. But it's so much more obvious and disastrous with so much socialism and fascism hanging over us like the Sword of Damocles.

The lie of what Sen. Nelson falls back on as what he calls a "victory" is the illusion that abortion is prohibited, that the bill doesn't create more deficit, that it doesn't increase our premiums, that it doesn't ultimately mean we will all be slaves to the federal government. What he obtained was some weak language, easily circumvented, to semi-exempt Nebraska from funding abortions. Funny math has made it look like it won't hurt Nebraskans, although the truth is it will, and worse, that it will negatively impact the rest of us.

Here's another tidbit that I don't think is hammered home nearly enough...we will be paying into this thing with dramatically higher costs and taxes for several years before actual "benefits" will be paid for by the government. This is part of how they claim it "saves" money. That's like you extorting money from your family to build up $10,000 toward a new $30,000 car, then purchasing it three years later and claiming the car only cost $20,000. It's a lie.

These fools are pushing through a mishmash bill that they prohibit you from seeing, prohibit most of Congress from seeing, throwing in so many ifs, ands or buts to win votes that no sane person could understand it. But, ultimately, the core pieces that are kept are the things that tax you, penalize you, and create mandates. They are the pieces that enslaves us until they can get the rest of the obscene pieces added back in.

What are you waiting for, America? I demand to know! I dare anyone to justify this!