Monday, December 28, 2009

Did Obama Instill Confidence In You?

Okay, the President wasted little time in commenting on the incident involving Harvard professor Henry Gates, saying the police "acted stupidly". Even held an embarrassing "beer summit" about it. But then we have what could have potentially been the biggest terrorist attack on our soil since 9/11 and the President couldn't bring himself to say anything for three days, forget the fact that it took three hours for his crack team back in D.C. to notify him of the situation. And then when he did hit the cameras (I'm guessing it took time to get everything together for his teleprompter) he said his administration "will not rest" until those involved is tracked down. He claimed they will use "everything within our power".

Really? What does that mean, exactly, Mr. President?

So far, he's spent considerable time and jet fuel to go around the world and apologize for America. He's spent the same to stroke the Muslims. And his brilliant choice to head the Department of Homeland Security, Napolitano, initially claimed "the system worked". Of course, the truth actually won out and she later had to admit the opposite.

Given that the Obama Doctrine -- Apologize profusely to everyone in the world you can and hope that our would-be enemies will see our good intentions and new-found resistance to actually engage in any meaningful manner and simply stop hating us -- has a track record of complete and utter failure, what qualifies as "everything within our power"? Certainly not profiling...that's just unacceptably un-PC. Certainly not taking decisive action with deadly force...we might insult any host city or nation housing these terrorists.

Our President's policy is clearly demonstrated as reactionary-only. But it's much more sobering than that. He's so fearful of hurting someone's feelings, so scared to damage this illusory reset of international relations that even his "reactions" are so limp they have proven to the world -- and certainly our enemies -- that we impotent.

Now, in the spirit of fairness I can't lay the blame of the actual event on the President. That was the terrorists doing and those who helped him. And this flight originated overseas, so it's their security that was inexcusable. But how to respond to it is a result of the policies our President and his horrific administration have put into place.

Just how many more reasons do you need to get rid of these people in the next elections?