Monday, December 14, 2009


Folks, I have a challenge for you. I dare anyone who actually still supports the liberals in Congress and this President to make the case for us to NOT fire the whole lot of them in 2010. I have one condition: you must be able to make a coherent sentence that makes a logical point.

The U.S. Constitution states what the federal government is allowed to do. Everything else is left to the states. But what has the President and the Democrats done? They've behaved as if the federal government is required to do such things as control/own the financial industry, control/own the automotive industry, control/own the health care industry. You simply cannot deny that this is what has been happening. He, the Congress, and you supporters, no doubt, will predictably say that mean ol' capitalists are the problem and taking them over is the only thing that could be done. And that's preposterous. First off, in order to do ALL of that this administration has hung us with a level of debt that is geometrically above anything a previous administration has even dreamt of. This administration has said that the deficit is simply not important compared to the "need to create jobs". Again, show me in the Constitution where it's the federal government's job to create jobs. I have two points to make to supporters of this administration: It's not the federal government's job (or privilege, according to the Constitution), and the federal government has never successfully run programs.

Obama campaigned on hope and change. Yet the country has dramatically gotten worse. We've LOST thousands upon thousands of jobs, contrary to what Obama assured us would happen if we swallowed his line. Talk to your average person. Particularly, talk to those thousands who HAVE lost their jobs since Obama took office. Where is their hope? How about change? What exactly has changed, other than government getting many times more bloated than it did even under Bush? Allegedly we'd have the most transparent and ethical administration in history. Show me the proof of can't. Congress has done so many things behind closed doors, they've continuously violated the promise to put proposed legislation up for 72 hours, they claim something is "bipartisan" when only two or three liberal Republicans voted in favor of this or that legislation. Obama said that lobbyists would have no foothold with him, yet some of the most anti-capitalist, ultra-liberal lobbyists you could name are actually part of his administration. Ethical? Tax-cheats abound in his administration and this Congress! People who are on record as being self-avowed socialists or communists. People who have pushed the homosexual agenda as far down as our grade schools. People who have explained how health care expenditures could be controlled by "grading" the value of a person based on their productivity, their worth to society.

The President is on record as planning to fully support the efforts of Planned Parenthood. As a result he quickly removed the ban on funding abortions overseas. Now the ban on funding abortions in D.C. has been removed. The proposed health care bill includes a way for funding the senseless murder of the unborn.

How about cap & trade? First off, the whole scam regarding "carbon credits" is one of the most disgusting liew ever told. It's all made up. Even Obama said that, as a result, energy costs would "skyrocket" (his word). Think about this. If the cost of energy is increased dramatically because of the new "carbon tax", where exactly do you think these costs will show up? They will show up at every step of the life cycle of any product or service you buy. I'll save you a more detailed description using an example of a common product, because it shouldn't take a degree in economics to understand it. I'll be happy to walk you through it, though, if you request.

One last thing about the health care "reform". It's all a lie. There is nothing, absolutely nothing reformatory about it. It is ALL about power. Just go back a few months and listen to what Obama and the Democrats were complaining about. It was all about health care costs. Then it went through a metamorphosis and became about the insurance companies. However, YouTube is a blessing and a curse. Video of Obama and the major Democratic Party players is proof of what they really want...a single-payer system, and the single payer is the government. I can say with absolute certainty that this Congress has done zero root cause analysis on health care. I dare anyone who is a Lean/Six Sigma black belt or higher to show me how the efforts of Obama and the Democrats demonstrates anything other than jumping to a "band-aid" to achieve an agenda. The following is an oversimplification of the needed approach, but hopefully you get the point:
Problem Statement: Millions of American citizens cannot afford health care.
Identify Performance Gaps: Costs of routine health care dissuade millions from seeking regular preventive treatment and costs of catastrophic treatment make them out of reach for millions more, resulting in routine illnesses being ignored and untreated and developing into more serious and costly conditions, as well as catastrophic illness causing people to go untreated or go bankrupt to afford treatment.
Set Improvement Target: Reduce health care costs to a level that citizens who seek it can afford it and can be postured to pay for more catastrophic treatments.
Root Cause Analysis: A number of tools should be used here. Two that immediately come to mind are what are called "fishbone diagram" and "5 Whys". I can just about guarantee that two things that will come up as being REAL issues will be malpractice suits and interstate insurance.
Develop Countermeasures: Once the root cause analysis has identified the obstacles to meeting the Improvement Targets, responses to those root causes must be identified.
See Countermeasures Through: This is the point at which an actual Action Plan is created. it is the firm, thoughtfully developed to assign SMART objectives with specifics as to who must accomplish the objectives and by when.
Confirm Results and Process: This would actually be the easiest part, since it will be pretty obvious if costs start to come down.
Standardize Successful Processes: Make these changes the ongoing, systemic way we operate.
I am certain Reid, Pelosi and Obama have NOT done any of this.

Unemployment continues to be horrible, costs across the board are rising, taxes are increasing, the marriage penalty is back, private industry is being taken over by government, your children are being indoctrinated into accepting abhorrent behavior, your personal and property rights are being attacked, and you're being told that it's your patriotic duty to spread the wealth. This Congress has consistently ignored you because they say they've "won, so deal with it".

It's time to fire them in 2010.