Monday, December 21, 2009

Let's Call Them What They Are: WHORES

It's that simple, people. These so-called 'principled' Democrats who were holding out for what they told US were reasons we could agree with, were actually holding out for their price. Democrats don't have the corner marketed on this, but in this instance we're talking specifically about Dems. Senators Nelson and Mary Landrieu are chief among them. Whores, that's all they are. They could care less about truth, honor, integrity, morality....they simply were waiting for their price to be met. They sold their virtue for money, favors. I, for one, am sick of this. Every single politician who participates in this type of behavior should be booted out.

Nelson dared say the backlash was "orchestrated". Really? If it's liberals gathering a head of steam, it's grass-roots, but if it's conservatives it's "orchestrated". Senator Nelson, your words and your actions are puny-minded and amoral, lacking ethics or integrity. I pray you are ousted in the next election. The same with you, Senator Landrieu. Gone in 2010. We need TRUE conservatives, those who truly seek the wisdom of God in decision-making. Not serving their own SPECIAL INERESTS.