Monday, December 21, 2009

Senator Reid & The Art Of Compromise

Senator Harry Reid defended the disgusting backroom deals that his band of thieves and whores made to get the 60 votes needed to pass their version of FascistCare. He said," That’s what legislating is all about; it’s the art of compromise.”

Compromise, Senator, is about what you are willing to give up on either side to reach an agreement. It is not about what you'll pay the other person off with to get them to agree to your proposition. You, sir, are an fool. You think you can be flippant with a turn of phrase and the truly aware among us won't call you on it?

Also, there simply are some things that should never be compromised. There are some things that a truly principled person--particularly person who holds to a Biblical world view--should never back down on. If you look at what was purchased via these sweetheart deals, and what was dropped (although in most cases they are simply hidden), then you see that what's left is truly what this has been all about: POWER. Once they've transferred power to the federal government, they'll be able to mandate whatever else they want later.

If you can't see it, then I doubt your mental capacity.