Governor Sanford, I have just one word for you: RESIGN.
I don't expect perfection out of our elected officials, I really don't. But, apparently unlike a growing number of Americans, I do hold them to a higher standard. We should hold them to a higher standard. Sadly, liberals seem to celebrate the disgusting antics of people like Bill Clinton who, as President, decided to obtain sexual favors from someone other than his wife on our dime.
Here's the thing, folks. Someone who cheats on his wife is telling you something about his character...or lack thereof. How absolutely low do you have to be to jet off to another country, lying to everyone about where you were going, so you could jump in the sack on Father's Day? I was watching Fox News and Sean Hannity asked this very question, does something like this matter. Ann Coulter, whom I often find abrasive, stated unequivocally that it speaks to character. She gets it. Of course, liberals celebrate it when one their own sleeps around. Even worse, they don't really care about marriage itself since they are all on board with such things as same-sex marriage and even getting rid of marriage itself in favor of some sort of short term "contract".
Can we please get politicians who have character? Can we get some conservatives who actually walk the walk? Sanford made a name for himself (though I'd never heard of the guy) in the Republican Party as a Family Values kind of guy. But then, in his ridiculous press conference, he dares to say that this "began very innocently as I suspect many of these things do ... Over this last year it developed into something much more than that". What a crock. What an absolute lie. These things never begin innocently. Jesus said that if you lust in your heart you have already committed adultery. No, sir, he got this ball rolling the moment he decided to go anywhere or spend any time alone with a woman not his wife. That's called lack of integrity. It's called lack of character.
Sanford, you need to go. Just like any other politician who displays similarly horrible judgement.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sick And Tired Of The Scandals!!!
Posted by Going_Galt at 9:21 PM Comments (0)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Hidden Health Care Double-Jeopardy
I've warned you in other posts, but check this out....Obama and his minions have said that there should be 100% health care coverage. What they have NOT told you is exactly what that coverage would actually be or how much it would cost. One of the LIES they have told you is that they will save the country millions with their plan. The FACT is that it will COST you multiple TRILLIONS of dollars and that your coverage will be rationed. One of the dirty little secrets is that they are going to make all employers either cover you with a plan (which must conform to the government's rules) or they must cover you with the government's plan. Oh, did I forget to mention that if your employer chooses to cover you with is own plan YOU WILL BE TAXED ON IT? So, let's get this straight: Obama will force employers to cover you and then tax you on the benefit. People, this is immoral, downright evil. You need to get angr over this, folks! Call your Congressmen!
My wife and I have been on a diving vacation and had an opportunity to spend a couple of days diving with a couple from England. They told us about their health care. This isn't spin, this is straight from folks who live it. They said if you have routine things that are in no way an urgency, the coverage is fine, but the waiting lists and times are more often than not months. If they have an urgent need that cannot wait they end up paying out of pocket for individual attention. A number of things simply aren't covered at all, which means they spend more money just to get those things.
Dick Morris described what this new government health care would look like after reading the proposals himself. MRIs & CAT scans will go the way of the dodo bird; Antibiotics use will be rationed; Fewer C-sections; chronic back-pain managment will be non-existent. These are just a few examples. These decisions will not be made by physicians, but by government officials. If you thought getting an insurance company to provide you with authorization to get a certain procedure done was tough, just wait until Obamacare takes over.
We are going to be ripped off again, people!
Posted by Going_Galt at 7:18 PM Comments (0)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sick Of The Feet Of Clay
From Fox News: "Sen. John Ensign of Nevada has admitted that he had an extramarital affair with a campaign aide last year -- a revelation that could sabotage the popular conservative's chance at a 2012 bid for the Republican presidential nominee."
Really? Do you think it will do any damage to his campaign? First of all, I wouldn't have supported him in the first place. Second of all, if he'd been a Democrat he more than likely would have been celebrated. As for me, he not only needs to give up any fleeting presidential aspirations, but needs to step down as Senator. I'm sick and tired of the corruption of our elected officials. If I found out that Cornyn or Perry had been involved in something like this I'd be calling for their resignation as well.
Do you people just not get that you, as our elected officials, are supposed to be held to a higher standard? We're not looking for perfection. We're looking for people who understand the value of traditional morals and ethics, people who can representing protecting and supporting the foundations that this nation was built upon. If you can't do that, then please stay home.
I'm sick of you.
Posted by Going_Galt at 3:43 PM Comments (0)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Marxism Marching Forward
The Obama administration plans to appoint Kenneth Feinberg as "Special Master for Compensation", a pay czar for the Treasury Department, to ensure that companies receiving federal bailout funds are abiding by executive-pay guidelines, according to people familiar with the matter.
Do you get this, people? You see, this is how evil Obama really is. First, he forced a number of companies--and now some states, too--to take the bailout. FORCED them! Now he's appointing a person to tell these entities what they can pay their people. You see, liberals really believe you can make too much money. They believe in "spreading the wealth". Sure, they will lie to you and come up with some heart-wrenching words to make you imagine what they're doing is something else, but the bottom line is they want to punish the successful.
Now, if you actually think that Obama will stop at controlling the pay of companies who received bailout money, I'd like you to please commit yourself to the nearest mental institution. I defy anyone to show me how all the things Obama has done and plans to do are not socialistic or fascist and how they could possibly be good for this nation.
It's time to stop sitting on your idle hands, time to stop "hoping the President succeeds" and actually DO something. Wake your friends and neigbors up, make them aware that these practices have never, ever worked in all of history. At the very least, we need to get the individual states to stand up to the federal government and re-assert states' rights.
This has got to stop, folks. Speak out!
Posted by Going_Galt at 3:22 PM Comments (0)
Watching The Death Of Capitalism
With the recent Supreme Court decision to not hear the case for stopping the handing over of Chrysler to Fiat, we are seeing another nail -- a HUGE one -- in the coffin of free enterprise. President Obama has been given an unbelievable victory here, people. And the unions.
There was a time when a union was a good thing. Not anymore. If you hear the UAW now you'll hear them boasting how they hardly gave in anything. Meanwhile, car dealerships all over the country are about to have the rugs ripped right out from under them...and pay for the privilege. Now that the government owns automotive manufacturing, you can see the next step already. The plan is in play to spend MORE tax dollars---that's YOUR money---to give $4500 for people to give up their "gas guzzlers" (and who will define what that is, do you think?) and purchase a more fuel efficient, eco-friendly (again, by their definition) vehicle. The government will tell the car industry what kind of cars they can make even if you, the consumer, don't want one of those kinds of cars. Of course, realizing they can't order you--yet--to buy what they are selling, the government has to bribe you.
Why aren't you up in arms over all this? Why aren't you fighting mad about the government swelling up so fat and bloated off of your hard work (those who are still working)? Why are you not livid about unions in cahoots with our government to take everything over?
Next is so-called "health care reform". Guess doesn't need reform! We have the finest health care in the world! But here are the kinds of lies Obama and our government are telling you...they claim they can save billions of dollars in health care costs. Wait just a second, folks. If the government is currently NOT in the business of health care, then what costs are they paying? They're NOT, and that's the dirty little secret. But by creating a "single payer system" you will be forced to pay into the big, gluttonous bucket so that the government can, again, spread the wealth. Do you have any idea what will be the result? Look at Europe. The kind of treatment and facilities you currently have access to will NOT be available to you under nationalized health care. Look at Canada. Their system is BANKRUPT. The only way they can give you "universal health care" is to limit what services you can get. Here's another dirty little secret....your treatment is dependent upon your value to society. This is not rhetoric. You can already see proof of the liberal mindset going into this. If you aren't born yet you are worthless to the liberals. If you are too old to live very long or have a certain quality of life, you are also worthless. Remember Ms. Shivo? Hers wasn't the only case. Are you aware of the doctor assisted suicides going on? In Europe it's almost a mandate. I'm reminded of the movie "Logan's Run". Look it up. Couched in that quaint little futuristic science fiction movie is a prediction of where our society is going. One other thing: Obama has an eye on your current health care benefits. He wants to help pay of this plan by taxing your benefits. So, if your employer pays for your health care coverage, the fair market value of it will be considered part of your income by Obama and you will pay taxes on it.
It's too late to ask Who Is John Galt. It's now time to ask WHERE is John Galt? Wake up, people.
Posted by Going_Galt at 3:22 PM Comments (0)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Thoughts from Ted Nugent
Ted Nugent, rocker and gun rights activist, posted these thoughts regarding liberal comments that Republicans are the "party of 'no'":
We know:
* Stimulating the economy and getting America growing again begins with tax cuts across the board including payroll, corporate and individual taxes.
* Prosperity cannot be brought about by taxing, borrowing and spending trillions of dollars.
* Leveraging future tax dollars of our children and grandchildren is immoral, unethical and should be illegal.
* Economic producers cannot be punished without also punishing the working class.
* Bad economic decisions roll downhill quickly. (We are surprised that everyone doesn’t seem to know this.)
* Chrysler will ultimately fail because it is now being run by the federal government and the labor unions.
* Energy independence can only be had by drilling off-shore and building many new nuclear power plants.
* “Cap and trade” of carbon emissions is nothing more than a tax that will punish those who can least afford it.
* Bailing out failing businesses with tax dollars is not what our founding fathers had in mind.
* More gun-control laws will not reduce violence but will instead create more victims.
* More guns equal less crime.
* More government programs, requirements, agencies and employees are not the answer.
* President Reagan was correct when he said that government was the problem, not the solution.
* Throwing more money at a social problem does not correct the problem. Often it exacerbates it.
* Democrats through time have shoveled hundreds of billions of our tax dollars at various social and cultural problems not with the intent of solving the problems, but to attract votes.
* We have adequate immigration laws but lack the political will to enforce them, or those with the power ignore their obligation to enhance political power.
* Judges should be impartial, not empathetic to a group based on race, creed or sex.
* “Politically correct” is a euphemism for “brain dead.”
* All crime is a hate crime.
* Too many young people do not graduate from high school, the key reason being that too many of their parents do not value education.
* More money for education is not the answer.
* Our enemies abroad are violent Muslims who hate America for our freedoms and Western values.
* We cannot negotiate with them. Killing them is our only hope.
* Compromising our values, beliefs and ideals under the smog of “getting along” may satisfy Democrats and some lukewarm Republicans, but it’s a losing strategy.
These are things we know to be true. When we say “no” it’s because we know.
(from )Posted by Going_Galt at 1:12 PM Comments (0)
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Senator Harry Reid....Serving The Public Interest?
In a recent statement, HUGE Sotomayor supporter Senator Harry Reid said,"I understand that during her career, she's written hundreds and hundreds of opinions. I haven't read a single one of them, and if I'm fortunate before we end this, I won't have to read one of them”. What a stunning announcement. Although, really, it shouldn't be, given that he and most of the others haven't read a lick of the plans Barack Obama has put forth in legislation.
So, Harry Reid doesn't believe a person who would be one of the highest jurists in the nation warrants a little bit of honest to goodness homework? Is this what you people pay him for, to sit on his smug rear end and rubber stamp nominees? Do you really think for one second that Senator Reid would so (or has done) the same thing for nominees submitted by Republican presidents? Not on your pea-pickin' life. This kind of behavior, from ANY elected official, should anger the public...but no outcry is to be heard. Why is that? There was a joke once that went like this:
An old man was chatting a bus stop with a younger man and he asked, "So, what do you think is the matter with this world, ignorance or apathy?" The younger man, without glancing up, said, "I don't know, and I don't care".
Posted by Going_Galt at 5:03 PM Comments (0)
Monday, June 1, 2009
And now the fallout from the murder of Dr. Tiller
The Obama administration announcing that it will be sending out marshals to protect abortion clinics is yet another example of his love for a good crisis...even if there is none. You see, this horrible murder suits his purposes just fine, and you see all the pro-abortion groups marching lock-step with various accusations that the anti-abortion groups are behind this. The fact is that we are not behind this. In fact, most anti-abortion groups are falling all over themselves to denounce violence as a way abolish abortion. We firmly believe that visible protests and working on legislation is the only way to go.
I also noted that on several news reports and posts that people have made the same exact observations I did. In particular, my observation that Dr. Tiller reaped what he sowed. I've heard this very phrase used several times, now, so I'm not unique in noticing this. In no way have any of us making this observation condoned the murder. As I've said before, two wrongs don't make a right. The fact remains, evil as it is, abortion is still legal. Murder is still illegal. Many of the most vocal opponents to abortion once were convinced it was acceptable...sadly, I was one of those people. But it's because so many of us lived deceived at one time that we understand, perhaps better than most, how very dangerous this is. However, no matter how much better we understand the truth of abortion, no matter how desperately we want to see the law changed, murder is not an acceptable recourse.
So, do not assume that you know the mind of anti-abortionists. The murder of Dr. Tiller is not typical.
Posted by Going_Galt at 3:56 PM Comments (0)