With the recent Supreme Court decision to not hear the case for stopping the handing over of Chrysler to Fiat, we are seeing another nail -- a HUGE one -- in the coffin of free enterprise. President Obama has been given an unbelievable victory here, people. And the unions.
There was a time when a union was a good thing. Not anymore. If you hear the UAW now you'll hear them boasting how they hardly gave in anything. Meanwhile, car dealerships all over the country are about to have the rugs ripped right out from under them...and pay for the privilege. Now that the government owns automotive manufacturing, you can see the next step already. The plan is in play to spend MORE tax dollars---that's YOUR money---to give $4500 for people to give up their "gas guzzlers" (and who will define what that is, do you think?) and purchase a more fuel efficient, eco-friendly (again, by their definition) vehicle. The government will tell the car industry what kind of cars they can make even if you, the consumer, don't want one of those kinds of cars. Of course, realizing they can't order you--yet--to buy what they are selling, the government has to bribe you.
Why aren't you up in arms over all this? Why aren't you fighting mad about the government swelling up so fat and bloated off of your hard work (those who are still working)? Why are you not livid about unions in cahoots with our government to take everything over?
Next is so-called "health care reform". Guess what....it doesn't need reform! We have the finest health care in the world! But here are the kinds of lies Obama and our government are telling you...they claim they can save billions of dollars in health care costs. Wait just a second, folks. If the government is currently NOT in the business of health care, then what costs are they paying? They're NOT, and that's the dirty little secret. But by creating a "single payer system" you will be forced to pay into the big, gluttonous bucket so that the government can, again, spread the wealth. Do you have any idea what will be the result? Look at Europe. The kind of treatment and facilities you currently have access to will NOT be available to you under nationalized health care. Look at Canada. Their system is BANKRUPT. The only way they can give you "universal health care" is to limit what services you can get. Here's another dirty little secret....your treatment is dependent upon your value to society. This is not rhetoric. You can already see proof of the liberal mindset going into this. If you aren't born yet you are worthless to the liberals. If you are too old to live very long or have a certain quality of life, you are also worthless. Remember Ms. Shivo? Hers wasn't the only case. Are you aware of the doctor assisted suicides going on? In Europe it's almost a mandate. I'm reminded of the movie "Logan's Run". Look it up. Couched in that quaint little futuristic science fiction movie is a prediction of where our society is going. One other thing: Obama has an eye on your current health care benefits. He wants to help pay of this plan by taxing your benefits. So, if your employer pays for your health care coverage, the fair market value of it will be considered part of your income by Obama and you will pay taxes on it.
It's too late to ask Who Is John Galt. It's now time to ask WHERE is John Galt? Wake up, people.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Watching The Death Of Capitalism
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
Posted by Going_Galt at 3:22 PM