The Obama administration announcing that it will be sending out marshals to protect abortion clinics is yet another example of his love for a good crisis...even if there is none. You see, this horrible murder suits his purposes just fine, and you see all the pro-abortion groups marching lock-step with various accusations that the anti-abortion groups are behind this. The fact is that we are not behind this. In fact, most anti-abortion groups are falling all over themselves to denounce violence as a way abolish abortion. We firmly believe that visible protests and working on legislation is the only way to go.
I also noted that on several news reports and posts that people have made the same exact observations I did. In particular, my observation that Dr. Tiller reaped what he sowed. I've heard this very phrase used several times, now, so I'm not unique in noticing this. In no way have any of us making this observation condoned the murder. As I've said before, two wrongs don't make a right. The fact remains, evil as it is, abortion is still legal. Murder is still illegal. Many of the most vocal opponents to abortion once were convinced it was acceptable...sadly, I was one of those people. But it's because so many of us lived deceived at one time that we understand, perhaps better than most, how very dangerous this is. However, no matter how much better we understand the truth of abortion, no matter how desperately we want to see the law changed, murder is not an acceptable recourse.
So, do not assume that you know the mind of anti-abortionists. The murder of Dr. Tiller is not typical.
Monday, June 1, 2009
And now the fallout from the murder of Dr. Tiller
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
Posted by Going_Galt at 3:56 PM