Sunday, June 7, 2009

Thoughts from Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent, rocker and gun rights activist, posted these thoughts regarding liberal comments that Republicans are the "party of 'no'":

We know:

* Stimulating the economy and getting America growing again begins with tax cuts across the board including payroll, corporate and individual taxes.

* Prosperity cannot be brought about by taxing, borrowing and spending trillions of dollars.

* Leveraging future tax dollars of our children and grandchildren is immoral, unethical and should be illegal.

* Economic producers cannot be punished without also punishing the working class.

* Bad economic decisions roll downhill quickly. (We are surprised that everyone doesn’t seem to know this.)

* Chrysler will ultimately fail because it is now being run by the federal government and the labor unions.

* Energy independence can only be had by drilling off-shore and building many new nuclear power plants.

* “Cap and trade” of carbon emissions is nothing more than a tax that will punish those who can least afford it.

* Bailing out failing businesses with tax dollars is not what our founding fathers had in mind.

* More gun-control laws will not reduce violence but will instead create more victims.

* More guns equal less crime.

* More government programs, requirements, agencies and employees are not the answer.

* President Reagan was correct when he said that government was the problem, not the solution.

* Throwing more money at a social problem does not correct the problem. Often it exacerbates it.

* Democrats through time have shoveled hundreds of billions of our tax dollars at various social and cultural problems not with the intent of solving the problems, but to attract votes.

* We have adequate immigration laws but lack the political will to enforce them, or those with the power ignore their obligation to enhance political power.

* Judges should be impartial, not empathetic to a group based on race, creed or sex.

* “Politically correct” is a euphemism for “brain dead.”

* All crime is a hate crime.

* Too many young people do not graduate from high school, the key reason being that too many of their parents do not value education.

* More money for education is not the answer.

* Our enemies abroad are violent Muslims who hate America for our freedoms and Western values.

* We cannot negotiate with them. Killing them is our only hope.

* Compromising our values, beliefs and ideals under the smog of “getting along” may satisfy Democrats and some lukewarm Republicans, but it’s a losing strategy.

These are things we know to be true. When we say “no” it’s because we know.

(from )