I've warned you in other posts, but check this out....Obama and his minions have said that there should be 100% health care coverage. What they have NOT told you is exactly what that coverage would actually be or how much it would cost. One of the LIES they have told you is that they will save the country millions with their plan. The FACT is that it will COST you multiple TRILLIONS of dollars and that your coverage will be rationed. One of the dirty little secrets is that they are going to make all employers either cover you with a plan (which must conform to the government's rules) or they must cover you with the government's plan. Oh, did I forget to mention that if your employer chooses to cover you with is own plan YOU WILL BE TAXED ON IT? So, let's get this straight: Obama will force employers to cover you and then tax you on the benefit. People, this is immoral, downright evil. You need to get angr over this, folks! Call your Congressmen!
My wife and I have been on a diving vacation and had an opportunity to spend a couple of days diving with a couple from England. They told us about their health care. This isn't spin, this is straight from folks who live it. They said if you have routine things that are in no way an urgency, the coverage is fine, but the waiting lists and times are more often than not months. If they have an urgent need that cannot wait they end up paying out of pocket for individual attention. A number of things simply aren't covered at all, which means they spend more money just to get those things.
Dick Morris described what this new government health care would look like after reading the proposals himself. MRIs & CAT scans will go the way of the dodo bird; Antibiotics use will be rationed; Fewer C-sections; chronic back-pain managment will be non-existent. These are just a few examples. These decisions will not be made by physicians, but by government officials. If you thought getting an insurance company to provide you with authorization to get a certain procedure done was tough, just wait until Obamacare takes over.
We are going to be ripped off again, people!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Hidden Health Care Double-Jeopardy
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
Posted by Going_Galt at 7:18 PM