In a recent statement, HUGE Sotomayor supporter Senator Harry Reid said,"I understand that during her career, she's written hundreds and hundreds of opinions. I haven't read a single one of them, and if I'm fortunate before we end this, I won't have to read one of them”. What a stunning announcement. Although, really, it shouldn't be, given that he and most of the others haven't read a lick of the plans Barack Obama has put forth in legislation.
So, Harry Reid doesn't believe a person who would be one of the highest jurists in the nation warrants a little bit of honest to goodness homework? Is this what you people pay him for, to sit on his smug rear end and rubber stamp nominees? Do you really think for one second that Senator Reid would so (or has done) the same thing for nominees submitted by Republican presidents? Not on your pea-pickin' life. This kind of behavior, from ANY elected official, should anger the public...but no outcry is to be heard. Why is that? There was a joke once that went like this:
An old man was chatting a bus stop with a younger man and he asked, "So, what do you think is the matter with this world, ignorance or apathy?" The younger man, without glancing up, said, "I don't know, and I don't care".
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Senator Harry Reid....Serving The Public Interest?
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
Posted by Going_Galt at 5:03 PM